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Krishna by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 19, 2021
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The all attractive

The eighth avatar of Vishnu and a great hero in myths. Is a ladies man with the amount of wives he has and they each represent a text me he defeated a monster. Is considered a trickster but also very kind.

Passive Ability

The all attractive
Charming female gods/goddesses lasts 1 sec longer with krishna.

Primary Abilities

Enchanting flute
Plays his flute and in an area around him charms enemies and slows them in four different cones positioned in front, left, right, and behind him each deal different effects. The front cone deals dmg, the left and right cones stun enemies, and the cone behind Krishna heals allies.
Twin tusk spears
Throws an ivory spear forward that carries enemies and pins them to a wall or terrain. Then Krishna can throw a second spear if the first landed. The second spear applies bleed, slow, and deals 15% true dmg. Deals 5% more true dmg and can crit if the second spear hits the enemy that was pinned by the first spear.
Mystical items
Has three different items Krishna can choose from.
Chakram toss: throws a chakram in a line that vibrates more the further it travels increasing it's dmg.
Conch blast: blows a conch shell in a cone in front of him that stuns enemies and deals constant dmg. While conch is blowing suffers no movement penalty.
Club slam: uses a club to dash forward and slam it down causing an explosion in an area which deals dmg and cripples enemies hit.

Ultimate Abilities

Harmoniums gathering
Krishna starts to meditate and floats in the air and does not suffer from movement penalty. In an area around him he charms enemies and heals allies over time. He can choose four different items to use but max 3 while floating. These include the flute and his mystical items. He heals himself over time and abilities are boosted. Meditation lasts 6 sec.

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