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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆


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Last Updated: Oct 27, 2023
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The Great Banisher

Kthanid is the brother of Cthulhu, and is physically similar to him in every way. However, Kthanid's eyes are a deep gold color. While Cthulhu is sick and wicked, Kthanid is benevolent and helps all who are in his presence. Leader of his pantheon of the Elder Gods who oppose the Great Old ones, Kthanid rests in his crystal palace in Elysia, home of the Elder Gods. Kthanid able to manifest to realities with the help of a time traveler who goes by the name Titus Crow. Now with the help of Crow, Kthanid is able to manifest to wherever there are Great Old Ones and banish them to the realm that they belong to.

Passive Ability

Great Thought
Kthanid projects his consciousness into his allies so he can communicate and plan more effectively. From there, he shares with them a portion of cooldown and his allies share with him power for each ally there is with him.

Cooldown shared: 10%
Power shared: 2% for each ally within 40 meters

Primary Abilities

Kthanid places a crystal which acts a ward until triggered. When triggered, the crystal shatters, damaging nearby gods and minions. Kthanid can have up to 3 Prescience crystals at once and each will last for 120 seconds.

Ward range: 10/15/20/25 meters
Explosion damage: 90/120/180/200+(35%) of your magical power
Explosion range: 25 meters
Waning Strength
Kthanid launches a crystalline orb forward at high speed, passing through while damaging minions and detonating on surface or it hits a god. Gods hit by the explosion have their power reduced for 3 seconds. When he launches the orb at a prescience crystal, the explosion radius of both is doubled and Kthanid will gain power.

Orb damage: 50/80/105/125+(30%) of your magical power.
Power gain: 5%
Explosion radius: 10 meters
Cause no harm
Kthanid dashes forward. If he collides with a god, the god goes with him and takes damage. If mulitiple gods are in Kthanids path, they take half the damage and are stunned very briefly. If Kthanid slams into a wall, the enemy god is stunned. If Kthanid slams into a prescience crystal, the crystal detonates and Kthanid may dash again.

Initial dash damage: 100+(15%) of your magical power
Slam damage: 50/75/100/125+(20%) of your magical power
Slam stun duration: 1 second
Collateral stun duration: 0.5 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Banishing Blast
Kthanid channels his power and blasts a stream of pure energy into a god, banishing them if they are below the hp threshold. If he blasts a prescience crystal, Kthanid will damage all the gods in the radius and will banish only one god if they are below the hp threshold regardless if all of the enemy gods are.

Blast damage: 100/150/170/195/+(45%) of your magical power.
Banish threshold: 15%/15%/25%/25%


While he may look and sound menacing, Kthanid is kind and helpful to all except the Great Old Ones. He sees them as a blight on the world, even his own brother. He is all business as he does not want to linger in a realm where he does not belong even though he is curious about experiencing new things firsthand.

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