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Lakshmi by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Aug 24, 2023
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She Who Leads to Ones Goal

God Description

Passive Ability

Every 120 sec Lakshmi gains the ability to channel(by pressing some button aside from normal ability casts). If she can successfully channel for 3 sec she marks the area she was channeling for 120 sec. This ability can't be used again while the mark is left on the ground until it times out. Lakshmi can use this ability again to cleanse herself of cc and after a 1 sec channel return to the marks location. This abilities cooldown only starts after teleporting or if it times out sets it's cooldown to 60 sec.

Primary Abilities

Dharma, The Pursuit of Morals/Moksha, The Pursuit of Self-knowledge
Upon casting Lakshmi opens one of her hands and sends forth ropes made of blinding light after a .5 sec delay. Any enemy hit takes dmg and is rooted. Enemies hit also gain a mark that lasts 5 sec. Any ally in this area gain attack speed.

This ability can be recast within 5 sec. Any enemy with a mark in range of her takes dmg and is slowed. This in turn lowers that enemies highest power type by 15% and reduces their highest protection type by 15%. Lasts 3 sec. Can not be recast when enemies are rooted by first cast.
Artha, The Pursuit of Wealth
Lakshmi selects an area and spends one gold to throw a coin to the target location. When the coin lands it deals dmg and slows enemies hit. The coin then deals dmg and slows constantly. The coin lasts 3 sec. If an enemy is hit by the coin 3 times Lakshmi steals 5% of their gold and deals dmg based on missing hp. Allies near the coin are healed over time and if an ally is healed 3 times they gain 5% of their gold.
Kama, The Pursuit of Love
Upon casting Lakshmi starts dancing which increases her movement speed. Allies near her gain increased protections and movement speed. Can cast other abilities while this one is casting. While dancing Lakshmi begins channeling and can recast this ability within the next 5 sec. Based on charge time dmg and range of ability increases. Recast causes Lakshmi to dash in the direction she is moving and fire a blast of energy in a line in the direction she is facing. This dmges and mesmerizes the first enemy god hit.

Ultimate Abilities

Samudra Manthana
Lakshmi replicates the churning of Kshira Sagara or the ocean of milk and summons a milky way. The first Ally or selected ally this ability hits it slowly follows. For the next 2.5 sec the Milky way grants all allies movement speed when hit by it. Enemies hit by it take dmg over time and are slowed. Once the 2.5 sec is up the Milky way releases its contents. Any ally nearby when this effect occurs becomes dmg immune and cc immune for 1 sec.

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