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Leshy by Runtsack

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By: Runtsack
Last Updated: Nov 2, 2021
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Protector of the Forest

Leshy is a Guardian focused on buffing and protecting his allies. His playstyle would focus on damage absorption and enemy focus. As a result of his Passive Ability, he would also be crucial to help set up group attacks on enemies through his enemy slowing abilities and ally speed buffs.

Leshy's Combat:
His basic melee attack will be with a walking staff made from a tree branch.

I appreciate you checking out my concept! Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Passive Ability

Leader of the Pack
Leshy has a radius that when allies are within, all players gain a small buff of movement speed and damage increase. The lower hp that Leshy has the greater the damage increase percentage is. Leshy gains 1 stack of Alpha (Max 5) for each ally god that is within the radius. Each stack of Alpha causes the damage percentage increases %2. Each stack decays after 3 seconds if an ally god leaves the radius. If there is also an enemy Leshy, when the enemy Leshy enters the radius, allies will do an additional %2 damage to the enemy Leshy.

Primary Abilities

Leshy extends his arm which turns into a thorn branch. When an enemy is damaged by the brambles, it causes an additional bleed effect for a very short duration, dealing a %25 of damage done by the bramble attack. The attack would have infinite pierce of enemies but at the cost of a reduced range to 30 units. This ability would have a 7s cooldown.
Oak Flesh
Leshy summons the power of the forest granting him with damage reduction of %35 for a duration. The ability covers Leshy in a bark suit of armor. This buff would also self apply slowness of %10 for the same duration. If Leshy is killed while wearing Oak Flesh, they buff turns into a radius that causes slowness for all enemies in the radius by %10. If Leshy activates Mimicry before Oak Flesh, the buff is not applied to the Mimic.
Leshy summons a copy of himself that will attack enemy players but does %65 damage than a normal attack. While Leshy has Mimicry active he is indistinguishable from the mimic. The mimic has %50 of Leshy's health and will dissolve if he is not defeated by the end of the duration.

Ultimate Abilities

Native Forest
Leshy summons a grove of tress in a radius that slows enemy players by %15. It also causes Leshy to grow in size (around 1.5x) and deal increased damage up to %150 of his regular attack. The ring passive healing to all allies while inside the radius. The ultimate would have a longer cooldown at 90s to start.

Why Leshy?

When I saw this challenge I immediately wanted to go for a cool assassin ghost type character but then I thought to myself: "Why shouldn't we have a guardian that could sustain and buff his allies AND be spooky?" (Ok that's not exactly how it went down...)

Then I was playing The Witcher 3 and I discovered my answer. Leshy.

Leshy has so much potential for abilities, it seemed only natural that he would be a guardian archetype as he his the protector of the forest. I really would like to see the Slavic Pantheon expanded and I loved the idea of Leshy being a sort of protective guardian that is focused on keeping his allies alive just like Leshy's lore notes.


leshy, in Slavic mythology, the forest spirit. The leshy is a sportive spirit who enjoys playing tricks on people, though when angered he can be treacherous. He is seldom seen, but his voice can be heard in the forest laughing, whistling, or singing. When the leshy is spotted, he can be easily recognized; for, though he often has the appearance of a man, his eyebrows, eyelashes, and right ear are missing, his head is somewhat pointed, and he lacks a hat and belt. In his native forest the leshy is as tall as the trees, but, the moment he steps beyond, he shrinks to the size of grass. (

Leshy is the protector of all animals and birds in the forest. Mass migration of animals supposedly happens at leshy's instruction. He is said to have the ability to shapeshift into any form, animal or plant. When he is in human form, he looks like a common peasant, except that his eyes glow and his shoes are on backwards. In some tales, he appears to visitors as a large talking mushroom. He can also vary in size, shrinking himself to the height of a blade of grass when moving through open fields, or growing to the size of the tallest trees when in the forest.

If a person befriends a leshy, the latter will teach them the secrets of magic. Farmers and shepherds would make pacts with the leshy to protect their crops and sheep. The leshy has many tricks, including leading peasants astray, making them sick, or tickling them to death. They are also known to hide the axes of woodcutters. If a leshy crosses the path of a person in the woods, the person will get lost immediately. To find the way out, you have to turn your clothes inside out and wear shoes on opposite feet.

Leshies are terribly mischievous beings: they have horrible cries, and can imitate voices of people familiar to wanderers and lure them back to their caves, where the leshies will tickle them to death; they also remove signs from their posts. Leshies aren't evil: although they enjoy misguiding humans and kidnapping young women, they are also known to keep grazing cattle from wandering too far into the forests and getting lost. Sometimes cow herders will make pacts with a leshy by handing him their crosses from around their necks and sharing communion with him after Christian church gatherings; these pacts are said to give the cowherds special powers.

If more than one leshy inhabits a forest, they will fight for territorial rights. The evidence is in the fallen trees scattered about and scared animals. (


Something I thought of which I would find entertaining is the method that Leshy would communicate:
    Leshy's voice lines would consist of slightly distorted voice lines of other gods
    When Leshy activates his ult, he gives out a screech as he grows in size
    When Leshy defeats an enemy god, the slain god will begin laughing (to death)

Physical Appearance:
    I imagine his default appearance would be have a deer skull with glowing green eyes. He would have hoove like feet that are covered in tree bark and talon like hands to grip his staff.

    I can imagine an alternate skin where he appears as an old man with a long beard but maintains the glowing green eyes and horns.

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