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Lock, shock, and barrel by ZingZang1235

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Lock, shock, and barrel

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021
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Lock, shock, and barrel

Oggies boys

For the Halloween contest I will be posting characters from the movie the nightmare before Christmas hopefully before Christmas or even Thanksgiving if there's a contest for those holidays. Lock shock and barrel are the henchman of oggie boogie and all wear costumes. Lock is a devil shock is a witch, and barrel is a skeleton. They are tasked with kidnapping Santa Claus for Jack but instead give Santa to oggie.

Passive Ability

Costume party
Lock shock and barrel are each 3 different gods with different abilities and uses ult to switch between them. The longer one is out they gain bonuses. After 6 sec of staying as one god they put on their costumes gaining bonuses. Lock: ability burns last 1 sec longer and deal 15% more increased dmg. shock: slows last 1 sec longer and cooldowns are reduced by 1.5 sec. Barrel: gains bonus hp based on level and bonus protections based on level. Once they die and respawn can select in base who they want to be regardless if ulti is leveled up but can only change if killed or begining of game.

Primary Abilities

Devil's mask
Lock turns invisible and gain movement speed. His next BA is a cone that fears and burns all enemies hit. This breaks the stealth but keeps the movement speed for 2 sec.
Flare bomb
Lock throws a bomb forward. Upon landing it warriors in a column of fire dealing dmg, applies burn, and stuns enemies for 1 sec. If lock is in the radius of the blast he knocks himself backwards in the direction the bomb is relative to him not suffering the dmg.
Pumpkin patch
Lock throws down a cluster of pumpkin bombs that arm themselves after .5 sec. If an enemy walks onto them while they are arming themselves they do no dmg but it an enemy walks on them after they are armed they deal dmg, burn, and slow which can stack for each bomb triggered up to a cap. Bombs last 5 sec on the ground.
Zap finger
Shock uses her wand to send electricity forward in a line for 3 sec dealing constant dmg. This pierces enemies but deals reduced dmg per enemy hit. This slows enemies hit for 1.5 sec.
Lightning broom
Shock mounts her broom gaining movement speed and doesn't suffer from the movement speed reduction while BAing. BAs have slightly increased range and deal increased dmg. This effect lasts 5 sec.
Throws a smoke bomb forward making her invis in the area affected unless an enemy is inside the smoke. If an enemy is inside the smoke they can see all enemies and allies inside the smoke as well but can't see allies or enemies outside if the smoke. Same with enemies outside if the smoke. If bomb landing hits enemies they are stunned for 1.5 sec. Smoke deals dmg over time to enemies in it and slows them when leaving it. Shock gains movement speed and attack speed bonuses.
Ribcage prison
Barrel throws a rib cage forward. If it hits an enemy it deals dmg and stuns them for 1.5 sec. That enemy also takes 15% increased dmg from all sources for 5 sec.
Ball and chain
Barrel throws a chain forward to an area of his choosing. If it hits an enemy and only one it roots them dealing dmg then at the end of the root the Bain on the chain is sent at the rooted enemy dealing dmg again slowing them for 2 sec. Barrel gains movement speed towards the chained enemy.
Walking tub
Barrel summons the walking tub and rides it. He can control the direction of it's movement but it is always moving. If he hits an enemy they are knocked up and restores barrels hp. Recasting this ability while riding makes the tub leap forward dealing increased dmg and rooting all enemies hit. Tub breaks upon impact.

Ultimate Abilities

Trick or treat gang
This switches who's out Lock, Shock, or Barrel. Starts in order with lock then shock then barrel. Upon casting this creates a large blinding field for a short while that applies different status effects based on who is next in order. Lock: burns enemies. Shock: deals constant dmg and slows. Barrel: deals increased dmg and stuns enemies for .5 sec. Grants speed boost to lock shock and barrel for 3 sec once leaving ult. Cooldowns of ability is max 7 sec no matter what.

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