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Lu bu by ZingZang1235

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Lu bu

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jul 20, 2022
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Lu bu

Flying general

Tyrannous warlord who betrayed many of his masters after defecting to them.

Passive Ability

Outrageous demands
mana is replaced with rage. Abilities do not need to use mana or rage in order to be cast. Can gain rage using BAs on enemies and using abilities if under 25 rage. Max rage stacks is 100. Abilities can consume 25 rage in order to empower them. BAs have slightly increased range and deal bonus dmg the more rage he has. Rage stacks last 5 sec before depleting over time. When this happens heals himself 2% of his max hp every sec.

Primary Abilities

Low blow
In a thin line forward thrusts his spear dmging enemies hit and slowing them. This also shreds 15% of their physical protections. Then in a cone forward he swings his spear across it dmging and slowing enemies again.
Rage bonus: The end of each area deals bonus dmg as true dmg, the spear sweep silences all enemies hit instead of slowing, and the spear thrust at the beginning shreds 20% of physical protections.
No mercy
Selects an area and then leaps to it. When he lands enemies hit are rooted and lifesteal from all enemies hit.
Rage bonus: Can leap further and has a larger area of affect. Lifesteals more and for 3 sec afterwards all physical dmg dealt by lu bu heals him as well. Root now cripples enemies hit and lasts longer.
Arenas challenge
Selects an area and .5 sec later rocks sprout out on the outer rim of the area and enemies inside this area are slowed and dmged. The walls can be destroyed if 4 BAs are used on one wall.
Rage bonus: The delay is reduced to .3 sec. Area now taunts enemies towards the center for longer and deals more dmg. The wall now can be destroyed with 3 BAs but only by enemies stuck inside. Enemies outside need to use 5 BAs to destroy a wall.

Ultimate Abilities

Cavalry charge
Upon casting gains a shield. In a v shape in front of himself lu bu summons 5 soldiers with spears. Then he and the soldiers dash forwards in a wide line. The soldiers will always move max distance but where lu bu ends the dash can be chosen while casting. Once soldiers stop dashing the v straightens out into a solid line. The soldiers the become an unpassable wall for 5 sec and only allow allies to pass through them. The dash itself deals dmg with the soldiers and lu bu deals the most.
Rage bonus: In an area around lu bu while dashing he deals even more dmg and fears enemies hit. Soldiers deal more dmg. Shield has base shield plus missing hp. Soldiers and lu bu now reduce enemy physical protections by 20% for 5 sec. Entire ability slows all enemies hit.

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