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Lugh by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 31, 2024
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The Long Arm

God Description

Passive Ability

Fragarachs Fury
Whenever Lugh casts an ability he empowers his next BA to pull out his sword Fragarach and spin in an area around himself. This deals dmg to all enemies hit. Using a BA this way grants a stack to Lugh. When he reaches 3 stacks his abilities and empowered BAs from this passive apply a burn to enemies that deals max hp dmg over time. The burn lasts 3 sec and applying the burn falls off after 3 sec as well. Can only hold 3 passive BAs until they are used or disappear after 5 sec.

Primary Abilities

The Bloodthirsty Gae Assail
This ability can be tapped or held. If this ability applies the burn from Lugh's passive all slows are instead cripples. Tap causes Lugh to thrust his spear Gae Assail forwards in a line then pull back. Any enemy hit takes dmg from the stab and the pull and is slowed.

Hold makes Lugh begin to channel. This increases this abilities range but makes him 40% slower while channeling. Upon releasing Lugh throws his spear in a line piercing through all enemies dealing dmg and slowing. The spear then either stops upon hitting an enemy god or lodges itself into the ground at max range. For 5 sec Lugh gains true sight of the enemy the spear is lodged in or around the area the spear is stuck in. During the 5 sec Lugh can recast this ability to recall his spear back towards himself. This deals dmg, applies bleed, and pulls enemies back a set distance towards Lugh. Recast grants a passive BA.
The Piercing Cloich Tabaill
Lugh rolls in the direction he is moving in and after rolling throws a rock from his sling Cloich Tabaill. Stops upon hitting any enemy. This deals dmg, slows, and disarms the first enemy god it hits for 1.5 sec. The rock is affected by BA related item effects and can crit for 35% of its base dmg. If this ability burns an enemy that enemy has 10% of their protections reduced for the duration of the burn.
Failinis: The Ancient Greyhound
Lugh summons his hound Failinis at the target location. The dog lasts for 10 sec. Any enemy that enters its range it bites down on dealing dmg and marking them. If Lugh attacks that enemy then they take additional dmg and heal Lugh and Failinis. While the hound is out Lugh can recast this ability every 3 sec to cause Failinis to dash to another area and bite down on the nearest lowest health enemy. This deals bonus dmg, applies the mark, and slows. Failinis shares 20% of Laughs hp and protections and can crit. BA related item effects convert into dmg for Failinis. Each recast of this ability grants a passive BA. If Failinis applies the burn from Lugh's passive the mark heals Lugh and Failinis based on his max hp. If Lugh is out of range of Failinis for 3 sec Failinis disappears.

Ultimate Abilities

Aenbharr/ Sguaba Tuinne
This ability changes like Sun Wukong's 72 transformations. Close range is Aenbharr and far range is Sguaba Tuinne.

Aenbharr: Lugh mounts his horse Aenbharr gaining a max hp shield scaling off his missing hp and movement speed for 5 sec. Lugh and Aenbharr then charge forwards with reduced turn speed. Lugh's BAs during this time send the rock from his sling Cloich Tabaill. If Aenbharr runs into an enemy they take dmg and are slowed. Each successful BA on an enemy god and how many enemy gods were trampled by Aenbharr grant Lugh a stack of his passive BA and the max of 3 is removed. Passive BAs can't be used while mounted on Aenbharr. Lugh can recast this ability early or wait for the full duration to dismount. Upon doing so Lugh automatically spins 3 times and converts any extra spins into dmg dealt by the 3 spins. Can only apply item effects once with the spins.

Sguaba Tuinne: Lugh summons his boat Sguaba Tuinne a set distance away from him and has it ride a wave towards himself. Any enemy god hit takes dmg and is grabbed by the boat and carried with it. If Lugh is hit by the wave he gains attack speed, movement speed, increased power, and passive burn is automatically up for the next 8 sec. Passive BAs and normal BAs now use Gae Assail instead of Fragarach during this time. BAs gain bonus range. If an enemy were to reach 10% of their max hp during this time from any of Lugh's dmg they are executed and Lugh heals himself for 10% of his own max hp. Casting this version of this ability resets all his other ability cooldowns to 2 sec.

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