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Lycaon by Stuke99

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By: Stuke99
Last Updated: Nov 9, 2023
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The Wolf King

What separates man from beast are the choices they make and the actions they take. While some strive to achieve greatness and become heroes, others are tempted by the allure of evil and become monsters.

Lycaon, the king of Arcadia, wanted to bring back the fallen kingdom of Arcadia to its former glory. He worked hard and led his people to achieve his goal, which resulted in Arcadia surpassing his expectations. His subjects loved him for his devotion and leadership. However, underneath his glorious exterior lay a dark and evil nature. Lycaon was cruel, arrogant, and impious, even towards the gods, whom he believed to be less powerful and knowledgeable than people thought. He aimed to deceive the king of gods, Zeus.

Lycaon invited Zeus to his palace for a feast to test the god's omnipotence. In an act of pure wickedness, Lycaon murdered his son and served the boy's flesh to Zeus. Upon discovering the truth, Zeus was outraged and punished the vile king for his heinous act. He transformed Lycaon into a monster, half man and half wolf, a fitting punishment for someone who had acted like a beast.

After realizing what had been done, Lycaon escaped into the Arcadian wilderness from his once magnificent palace. He was no longer a glorious king but a feral monster. Many years have passed since the god cursed him. Now, Lycaon faces a choice - will he try to reclaim his humanity, or will he embrace the beast he has become?

Passive Ability


Lycaon is forcefully transformed into his wolf form every 210s after the match starts. After 105 seconds in his wolf form, Lycaon is reverted to his human form.
While in wolf form, Lycaon gains +5 protections and 0.5% movement speed, as well as 1 protections and 0.5% movement speed for his current level.

    Ability Type: Buff

Primary Abilities

Bestial Barrage

Lycaon unleashes a barrage of attacks in front of him: three initial slash attacks and then a final bite attack. Enemies hit by the slashes have their protections reduced, and if the bite hits an enemy, they will become stunned for 1s.
In wolf form, the first enemy hit by this ability becomes marked, causing all damage from Lycaon to increase.

    Ability Type: Cone, Debuff, Damage, Stun
    Slash Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+30% of your Physical Power)
    Bite Damage: 60/120/180/240/300 (+70% of your Physical Power)
    Marked Damage: 20%
    Marked Duration: 4s
    Protection Shred: 10%
    Range: 15
    Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana
    Cooldown: 13 seconds
Song of Wolves

Lycaon unleashes a mighty howl, rallying his allies. Lycaon and his allies gain an attack speed buff for a short time.
In wolf form, Lycaon and his allies gain heal over time for the duration of the ability.

    Ability Type: Buff, Circle
    Attack Speed: 10/20/30/40/50%
    Healing per Second: 15/20/25/30/35
    Duration: 6s
    Radius: 35
    Cost: 60 mana
    Cooldown: 13 seconds
Long Jump

Lycaon takes a leaps forward, damaging all enemies when he lands.
In wolf form, any enemy god hit with this ability are crippled.

    Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Cripple, Damage
    Damage: 120/165/210/255/300 (+70% of your Physical Power)
    Cripple Duration: 3s
    Leap Range/Radius: 35/20
    Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
    Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Embrace the Curse

Lycaon changes into his wolf form at will, gaining increased movement speed and damage for the duration of his wolf form until reverting into his human form. Lycaon remains in his wolf form for the duration or until the ability is activated again.

    Ability Type: Buff
    Bonus Power: 1 per level
    Bonus Movement Speed: 2% per level
    Cooldown: 110s

Other Abilities

Health: 637 (+87)
Mana: 230 (+35)
Speed: 370 (+0)
Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.1%)

Basic Attack

    Damage: 38 (+ 2.3) + 100% of Physical Power
    Progression: 1/1/1x damage and swing time


    Physical: 24 (+3.2)
    Magical: 32 (+1.6)


    HP5: 9 (+0.73)
    MP5: 4.1 (+0.26)

Who is Lycaon?

The Wolf King

Greek Warrior

"They heed not the portents that chance, the herald of doom, with ominous presage strews thickly in their path; for birds and beasts give awful warnings . . . The Arcadians say that in the silence of the night Lycaon's shade barked madly."
-Statius, Thebaid VII, 1st Century A.D.

Werewolves have been a captivating topic of legends and mythologies worldwide for centuries. Their origins, abilities, and actions have been the subject of countless tales and stories. Along with vampires, werewolves are one of the most popular types of monsters in popular culture, and their influence can be seen in movies, books, and television shows.

In Greek mythology, werewolf lore is abundant, with numerous stories about humans transforming into wolves. One of the oldest tales about werewolves is the legend of Lycaon, a cautionary one that warns of the dangers of angering the gods. Lycaon was a king who tried to deceive Zeus by serving him human flesh, and as a punishment, he was transformed into a wolf.

Despite his wicked actions and the monster he was become because of his actions, Lycaon is still regarded as a cultural hero. He founded the city of Lycosura and introduced the Lycaean Games to Arcadia. He also established the cult of Zeus Lycaeus, which later became an large part of Arcadian legend.

My Vision

Lycaon has been characterized as a cunning king and a ruthless warrior before his most defining aspect is that he was transformed into a wolf as a punishment from Zeus for his attempt to trick the god. This transformation has become a significant part of his identity, and it will play a crucial role in his visuals and playstyle.

There was a back-and-forward regarding whether Lycaon should embrace his new bestial nature or try to regain his lost humanity. After carefully considering both options, I decided that Lycaon should embrace his wolf form while still holding onto his past. The character's lore describes him as a man who yearns for the glory days, which could add some exciting elements to his visuals and playstyle.

In SMITE, Lycaon will embrace his curse of lycanthropy and use what he learned as a king and warrior without worrying about his brutality and cruelty holding him back. Everyone, including himself, sees him as a monster, so there is no point in hiding it anymore. Lycaon's wolf form will allow him to unleash his full potential on the battleground, providing a unique and exciting gaming experience.


  • Theme – Werewolf
    • Lycaon's defining trait is his curse of lycanthropy. This core aspect of his character shaped his abilities and overall appearance.
  • Visuals – Feral King
    • Lycaon's clothing combines his past royalty with wolf fur and leather, giving him the rugged look of someone who has survived in the wilderness for a long time. When he transforms, he loses all his human characteristics and becomes a pure wolf.
  • Personality – Cunning and Ruthless
    • Lycaon was a cruel, calculating, and ruthless king before he became a werewolf. His curse allowed him to give in to his animalistic tendencies, and he is no longer hesitant to display his brutality. However, he is still capable of acting like a man when required.
  • Perspective – A Wild Beast
    • Lycaon is often seen as nothing more than a wild beast by most gods, especially Zeus. However, it would be best to exercise caution with Lycaon due to his well-known brutality and cunning.


When creating the appearance of Lycaon, I had to consider two distinct forms: his human form and his wolf form.

In his human form, I used traditional Greek-style armor as a base and added elements of royalty to showcase Lycaon's status. To emphasize the wear and tear of being in the wilderness, I added some roughened texture to his armor and clothing. The overall design of Lycaon's human form was intentionally similar to Zeus's to mock the god and highlight Lycaon's arrogance.

When it comes to his wolf form, I wanted to make sure it was more realistic and wolf-like rather than having any humanoid qualities. This was important as it aligns with the portrayal of werewolves in Greek mythology. Instead of giving Lycaon a more anthropomorphic or wolf-man appearance, I focused on making sure his wolf form was more feral.


Lycaon is a warrior who can be used as a Solo player but can also flex into Jungle or Support roles. With his high defense, multiple damaging abilities, and a tool for utility and sustain, he is a dependable choice for anyone who wants a solid frontline presence. Unlike other aggressive warriors, Lycaon has abilities that are not only aggressive but also supportive.

His abilities include buffs for allies, debuffs for enemies, target lockdown, and frontline aggression, which most warriors want.

Lycaon's unique feature is his ability to transform into a wolf, which enables him to pursue targets and provides additional benefits to his abilities. Timing your transformation or using your ultimate early on can help you become a stronger frontliner.


  • A feature that changes Lycaon and his abilities based on time.
  • Additional effects based on his wolf form.
  • An ability that rewards you for changing early with additional benefits.

Lycaon, a once-powerful ruler, waited for the moment to take revenge against the gods who cursed him. With his curse, he possesses immense strength and plans to reclaim his lost power.

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