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Maman Brigitte by ZingZang1235

1 Votes

Maman Brigitte

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 26, 2022
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Maman Brigitte

Goddess of cemeteries

The wife of baron samedi. Goddess of many things such as cemeteries, justice, death, life, and women.

Passive Ability

Deathly aura
Whenever an attack or ability hits an enemy she gains stacks of Deathly aura. If she reaches a certain amount of stacks it empowers her abilities and reduces her stacks. Every 10 stacks increases her movement speed and power. If she reaches max stacks she temporarily increases her power by 15%.

Primary Abilities

Mass panic
Maman Brigitte instantly fears enemies around her and as they run away she drinks wine from her cup and gains hp based on how many gods were feared. If Maman Brigette has at least 25 stacks of Deathly aura the enemies feared take dmg over time. If she doesn't she instead gains stacks of deathly aura from all enemies hit.
Undeath hand/voodoo doll
First cast is undeath hand. Undeath hand sends a ghostly hand forward through the ground and pops up then it races back towards Maman Brigitte dragging enemies along with it. This marks them with the mark of the doll. Can cast ability a second time only if enemies have mark which lasts 5 sec. Recast to cast voodoo doll which stuns the marked enemy and deals dmg to them based on missing hp. Then the mark explodes as Maman Brigitte destroys the doll. If Maman Brigette has at least 50 stacks of Deathly aura undeath hand also roots enemies hit and has increased range and speed. if Maman Brigette has at least 25 stacks of Deathly aura voodoo doll deals bonus dmg and Lifesteals. Stun duration lasts longer.
Death parade
Charges this ability for max 5 sec. Charge increases abilities range. Reaches max range at 3 sec of charge. Can recast to throw a skull imbued with death forward in an arc. When it lands it deals massive dmg ignoring 25% of enemies prots and leaves a lingering zone that deals dmg over time and slows enemies on it. The field grants Maman Brigette stacks of Deathly aura over time if it hits an enemy. At 50 stacks of deathly aura death parade automatically has max charge distance and the lingering zone roots enemies hit. Increases prots ignored to 33%.

Ultimate Abilities

Cursed cemetery
Maman Brigette selects an area and after .5 sec a cemetery is summoned. If an enemy walks over or is pushed or pulled over a grave it explodes dealing dmg and slowing and crippling enemies hit. Walking over multiple graves deals 20% reduced dmg. Field lasts 7 sec. When on this area Maman Brigette gains full stacks of passive no matter what and keeps this effect for 3 sec after field disappears or after she walks off of it. All abilities now passively heal Maman Brigette for 15% of the dmg dealt.

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