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Mani by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jun 6, 2024
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The Man in the Moon

God Description

Passive Ability

Stable Presence
Every 3 sec out of combat Mani empowers his abilities to have additional effects. This effect can stack up to 4 times(12 sec). For each stack Mani gains attack speed.

Primary Abilities

Moons Flux
Upon casting Mani empowers his next BA to fire a projectile and upon reaching max distance or hitting an enemy god it explodes dealing dmg.

Stable Presence: 1 stack slows enemies hit, 2 stacks slows more and deals more dmg, 3 stacks stuns enemies hit and deals more dmg, 4 stacks stuns longer and deals 20% more true dmg.
Homing Stars
Passive: Manis BAs deal bonus dmg scaling with his power and based on the rank of this ability.

Active: Upon casting Mani empowers his next 3 BAs to gain 50% attack speed and if they hit an enemy Mani automatically fires stars at the enemy hit. The number of stars fired is dependent on this abilities rank. Has 3 sec before empowered BAs disappear. During this time also gains movement speed.

Stable Presence: 1 stack deals more dmg per auto, 2 stacks deals more dmg per star, 3 stacks fires an additional star and deals more dmg, 4 stacks slows enemies hit and deals 20% more true dmg.
Mani in the Moon
Upon casting Mani banishes himself into the moon healing himself over time. This lasts 1.5 sec. Can use this ability to cleanse himself of cc. Gains movement speed while banished and can move around. In an area around Mani while banished he reveals enemies and heals allies over time.

Stable Presence: 1, 2, 3 stacks increase heal and movement speed. 4 stacks also increases heal and movement speed but also increases duration in the moon to 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

The Moons pull
Mani becomes cc immune, gains movement speed, and in an area around himself after a .5 sec delay he replicates the gravitational pull of the moon and sucks enemies near him in a burst of dmg(like atlas grab). Enemies are left stunned after being pulled. For each enemy god hit Mani gains a passive stack. Movement speed and cc immunity last 1 additional sec after pull occurs.

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