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Marinette Bras Cheche by ZingZang1235

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Marinette Bras Cheche

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 17, 2023
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Marinette Bras Cheche

Marinette of the dry arms

Is a goddess of violence and anger. Has a avian features as she is represented by a screech owl. Is the protector of werewolves and is considered a dangerous being.

Passive Ability

Burning vengeance
Whenever Marinette takes dmg she gains a stack for each percent of her missing hp. When she gains 25 stacks her abilities become empowered dealing bonus dmg. When 50 stacks are reached her abilities become empowered dealing increased dmg based on the enemies missing hp and ignoring a portion of that enemies protections. When 75 stacks are reached her abilities become empowered gaining passive lifesteal, deal more dmg based on both missing and max hp, and shredding enemy protections. Once every 120 sec, if Marinette were to die she also sends an evil spirit from her body to seek out the enemy that killed her. This spirit can go through walls and will disappear after 5 sec. Upon colliding with the enemy that killed her it deals dmg based on how much dmg Marinette took when she died. If this kills the enemy it seeks out Marinette's death timer is reduced by half.

Primary Abilities

Tormenting flames
Selects an area and upon doing so Marinette covers herself in dark flames and dashes to it. All enemies in her path are dmged and burned reducing the enemies protections every tick from the burn. If she selects an enemy she automatically follows them and can go through walls. While dashing is knock up and root immune. Entering a wall cleanses all slows. Can only follow enemies for 3 sec before ability stops. When she reaches her designated area or enemy god she explodes dealing dmg and resetting the burn on enemies.
Screech owl vision/Protector of werewolves
First cast is screech owl vision. Upon casting becomes invisible, gains movement speed, and in an area around herself reveals invisible enemies. If an enemy god is revealed they are slowed and have their protections reduced. Invis lasts 3 sec. If tormenting flames is used while invis the dash is also invisible unless an enemy can see her. Upon arriving fears enemies as well.

Second cast is protector of werewolves. Upon casting spins in a circle with claws manifested by magic. This dmges, cripples, and applies bleed to all enemies hit. Gains a shield based on the amount of enemies hit.
Frustration burst/Brutal beating
In an area around herself cleanses herself and nearby allies of soft cc. Then she empowers herself gaining attack speed, movement speed, immunity to slows and roots, and empowered BAs. bAs now cleave enemies in a cone forwards and deal increased dmg based on max hp. Lasts 5 sec. Heals herself based on her own missing hp and how much cc she cleansed.

Second cast is brutal beating. Can only use this move while the buff from frustration burst is active on herself. Upon casting lunges forwards in a direction of her choosing and stops upon hitting an enemy god. This deals dmg based on missing hp, lifesteals, gets rid of the buff from frustration burst, and holds the enemy hit in place for 1 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Violent possession
Whenever Marinette dmges an enemy they are marked for 4 sec. If a marked enemy is in range can cast this ability to posses that enemy god. Doing so makes her untargetable and can not move. The selected enemy can still move, use abilities, and use BAs, but is intoxicated for the entire duration. Marinette can also still use BAs while possessing an enemy and can dmg them. Once the 5 sec are up or by recasting early Marinette leaves the possessed enemy god dealing dmg based on how long she spends in that enemy and their missing hp.

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