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Marowit by Gabiiru

10 Votes


By: Gabiiru
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2020
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god of nightmares

marowit arrives at the battlefield of the gods with the idea of being a controlled killer, working with the idea of putting fear in all deities, for being the Slavic deity of nightmares his skill kit was shaped to let everyone who thinks of going into combat with him think twice before attacking him, being a single-target deity will be a great idea to quickly neutralize those problematic targets in a match more details from his passive skill kit listed below

Passive Ability

Marowit at the start of the game can mark a deity with torment every 3 minutes the marked enemy gains 3 of torment with each stock of torment (tormented enemies will do less damage to Marowit) (Marowit cannot put more than one god in torment)

Marowit does not benefit from attack speed items, nor does he gain attack speed progression, but every 12 (-1 per level from level 12) basic attacks will put the enemy in the world of nightmares where he will take 10% more damage (climbing with 3% of your damage)(all marowit skills gain buffs in the world of nightmares)

Primary Abilities

Shhh !
Marowit strikes his enemy in an agonizing manner putting him to sleep, if that enemy is woken up before 1 second he will be AFRAID
according to the remaining time of the skill (in the world of nightmares as soon as awake this enemy will be afraid of 3 seconds, if not be awake he will immediately leave the world of nightmares)(apply contact effects)
Mana cost: 40
Sleeping time:1,5/2/2,5/3/3,5
Scary projection
Marowit fires a nightmare projection that roams the map and reaps nightmares while roaming the map. As soon as it encounters an enemy this projection will explode causing damage, slowness and fear (in the world of nightmares the projection doesn’t need to wander to get the most attributes)

Mana cost: 75
Damage: 85/95/115/130/150 (+23% of your physical power)
Slow: 5%/5%/7%/7%/10%
Fear: 1/1,5/1,5/2/2,5
Living nightmare
Marowit becomes a living form of nightmare where it gets faster and leaves a trail of dark fog, enemies that walk through that fog will take damage according to their maximum life and Marowit is also immune to any kind of damage it takes after turning. Attack with basic attacks will cause marowit to immediately exit the form of a nightmare (in the world of nightmares marowit cannot be revealed or leave the form of a nightmare)

Mana cost: 55
transformation duration: 3/5/7/9/11 (seconds)
fixed mist damage:/50/60/70/90/100 (+15% maximum enemy life)

Ultimate Abilities

Your worst nightmare !
Marowit puts enemies to sleep if they are in Marowit's vision after awake these enemies will take defensive and damage debuff except your enemy who in addition Marowit and the enemy marked by torment will be taken to the nightmare world instantly and if Marowit wins the fight he will steal part of the protections and attack of his enemy affected by the torment

Mana cost: 100
sleeping time: 2/2/4/4/6 (seconds)
damage and defensive debuffs: 5,5%/7%/9%/10%/15%
enemy's debuff in the world of nightmares: 7%/10%/10,5%/15%/20%
Stolen attacks and protections: 20%/25%/27%/30%/32%
time of stolen attributes: How much torment does the enemy have(example: 27 stocks of torment = 27 seconds)


Marowit arrives on the battlefield in a scary way for the one who is marked to receive the Torment, it will be a great killer option to neutralize those strong targets

HOW TO PLAY: mark the probable problem for your team in the team fights in the late game, that problematic ADC in the team fights that mage who stays at a distance playing skills.

BEST TIME IN THE GAME: Marowit's early game can be somewhat weak before level 12 so don't try to force risky moves with him before your passive putting enemies into the dream world starts to be really effective. So Marowit is a god with an extremely strong late / mid game

Power spike


EARLY GAME: Marowit has great potential for ambushes on advanced enemies, start the combo leaving the frightening projection (2) to roam the map, it will have priority for those enemies who are advanced. With that after the projection bursts and causes fear, slowness, in your enemy. After that use your SHHH skill! (1) to make your enemy even more scared, and if all of that doesn't work, there's no reason not to take a chance using your living nightmare ability (3) to try to neutralize that enemy as soon as possible.

MID GAME: In the mid game it is time to take a chance and try to kill your target of torment, in the mid game your passive will already be well ahead to put you in the world of dreams, suppose the scenario that the teams are getting together to make the gold fury and the enemy marked with torment is out of position is the time to take a risk to take a target out of the fight, the combo will not change, only who you want to neutralize will change

LATE GAME : Is the time that Marowit will start to shine, neutralizing easily anyone that appears in front of you, late game is the time that teams start to get together for objective fights, be it gold fury, towers, or fire giant at that time as soon as they appear in your vision do not think twice about using your supreme to take your target with torment from the fight and thus guarantee a 5x4 for your team likely to win

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