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Marzanna by Stuke99

7 Votes


By: Stuke99
Last Updated: Dec 26, 2019
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Goddess of the Biting Cold

Winter is a beautiful, and cruel, mistress. With Blizzards and subzero temperatures being something to feared, as the plants die, the animals migrate, and the people locked inside there's not much to do but wait. Marzanna makes the bitter cold season much worse than it seems, the longer the winter stays the more dangerous she becomes. Blizzards ravaging the land, killing livestock and people alike, and covering the area in thick ice and deep snow, Marzanna enjoys all the death and misfortune she causes with a wide fanged smile on her pale cold face. Until her time to go during the spring season, where she returns to the realm of death and her sister, Vesna, would take center stage and undo the damage Marzanna has caused on the moral world.
With the gods busy on the battlefield, they leave Marzanna unchecked and ready to unleash a never-ending age of winter.

Passive Ability

Severe Chill

Enemy gods hit by Marzanna’s damaging abilities gain a stack of "Chill", applying a slow for a short duration. Each time an enemy takes damage from her abilities, an additional stack of Chill is applied until reaching the max amount. The slow timer is reset each time a new stack is applied.

    Stack duration: 2 seconds
    Slow: 5%
    The maximum amount of Stacks: 6

Primary Abilities

Winter Vortex

Marzanna fires a burst of cold wind in a cone in front of her, all enemies in its path are dealt damage over time every .5 seconds.

    Damage per Tick: 25/45/65/85/105 (+30% of your physical power)
    Damage Duration: 2s
    Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
    Ability Type: Cone
    Radius: 30
    Range: 45
    Cooldown: 12 seconds
Ice Picks

Marzanna throws an icicle dealing damage in a line stopping at the first enemy god hit. If the target is slowed, their physical protections are reduced. If Marzanna lands her first icicle on a target, she can fire this ability again.

    Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+100% of your physical power)
    Protection Shread: 30%
    Cost: 50 mana
    Ability Type: Line
    Range: 40
    Cooldown: 16 seconds
Snow Phantom

Marzanna disappears into the snow, becoming incorporeal and gaining increased movement speed. If Marzanna passes through an enemy god while in this state, 3 stacks of "Chill" are applied. Marzanna is unable to attack while incorporeal.

    Inconpoorial state: 2 seconds
    Movement Speed: 20/25/30/35/40%
    Cost: 60 mana
    Ability Type: Buff
    Cooldown: 18 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Absolute Zero

Marzanna summons a large blizzard that surrounds and follows her. All enemy gods caught in the radius are dealt damage for each second in the blizzard as well as having their vision obscured.

    Duration: 6 seconds
    Damage per Tick: 65/105/145/185/225 (+100% of your physical power)
    Cost: 100 mana
    Radius: 35
    Ability Type: Ground
    Cooldown: 90 seconds


Marzanna is the goddess of winter and death, the coming of winter as one of the three seasonal sisters that represent the cycle of life and death. Other sources also described Marzanna as a tormentor of man as a fate goddess whose presence brings misfortune; as well as a kitchen goddess who creates nightmares and sabotages homes.


  • Long Chilling Winter (Theme)
  • Beautiful and Deadly (Visuals)
  • Cold and Sadistic (Personality)
  • Bringer of Death (Perspective)

The goal I want to set for Marzanna is that she brings a slow painful death to anyone in her way and will eventually kill them even when they try to flee. Her kit will utilize skills that deal massive damage over time as well to chase down her targets to keep applying that damage. Making her feel like a front line god who can set her team up for engagements while also acting in a typical assassin style of picking off weaker targets utilizing her slows and ultimate to get the job done.

I decided to base her appearance off of several Slavic winter clothing and traditional Polish attire, besides the middle one which I based on Yennifer from the Witcher. Her weapon while not using magic would be one or two Russian style hunting knives as well as a large kitchen knife, specifically a chef's knife, as a callback to other domains.

Voice Lines Ideas


Since a good chunk of the voice cast is from OkraTron 5000, a texas-based studio, I have to narrow down my selection a bit further. After looking over some of the actresses I feel could play Marzanna, I've settled on Lydia Mackay as she doesn't have a god for herself and can bring that menacing cold voice as shown in her iDusa Medusa and Covert Ops Bastet skins. Other roles include Boa Han**** from One Piece, Trisha Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist, and Ukraine from Hetalia (perfect for what I was looking for).


Emotes (VE)

  • A - "Splendid."
  • G - "I am your destroyer."
  • R - "You're chilling."
  • W - "hm hm hm hm..."


  • "Do you know what happens to your body during hypothermia, I can give you a demonstration."
  • "Like fate and winter, I am a cruel mistress."
  • "No matter how far you go, you can't outrun the cold embrace of death."

Direct Taunts

  • (Chernobog) "Mister Doom-and-Gloom isn't the only one you should fear."
  • (Persephone) "You just picked your last harvest"
  • (Ymir) "While our goals are similar, you stand in the way of my fun."


  • "Brr...It's colder than a witch's ti-..n-..nose."
  • "I'm constantly told I'm cold as ice. Technically, they are correct."
  • "I hate it when winter ends, it kills me."

Thanks you for reading

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Stuke99 (56) | November 28, 2019 1:27pm
Finished the concept art for her abilities.
Mowen (57) | November 21, 2019 9:37am
Wow the effort you put in here is really amazing! Your visual and voice line concepts really bring this to life! :)
Stuke99 (56) | November 21, 2019 12:48pm
Thanks. I'm planning to get around to the ability icons soon so wait till then.
In terms of concept art, which one do you think looks best?
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 21, 2019 11:10am
(Mowen's an artist herself, so the appreciation is definitely there)
Stuke99 (56) | November 21, 2019 12:50pm
Noted, but in terms of numbers and abilities what do you think of the kit I have so far?
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Gulfwulf (81) | November 20, 2019 5:43pm
Some grammar suggestions highlighted in bold:

Enemy gods hit by Marzanna’s damaging abilities gain a stack of "Freeze", applying a slow for a short duration. Each time an enemy takes damage from her abilities, an additional stack of Freeze is applied until reaching the max amount. The slow timer is reset each time a new stack is applied.
Stuke99 (56) | November 20, 2019 7:10pm
Fixed it.
Stuke99 (56) | November 20, 2019 5:29pm
Updated the numbers and added additional information on abilities.
Stuke99 (56) | November 12, 2019 6:58pm
More will be added, I just wanted to get the base out there while I do some tune-ups and concept art.
Stuke99 (56) | November 14, 2019 3:21pm
Concept art has been added.
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