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Medjed by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024
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The Smiter

God Description

Passive Ability

The Smiter
All of Medjeds damaging abilities apply a mark of the Smiter to them that lasts 3 sec. If Medjed deals 5 instances of dmg to that marked enemy the mark explodes dealing max hp dmg and granting Medjed movement speed.

Primary Abilities

Piercing Eyes
In a line forwards Medjed fires lasers from his eyes. This deals dmg to all enemies in a line equal to his BAs. Can crit but deals 25% less dmg. Every successful BA on an enemy reduces this abilities cooldown.
Flames of the Smiter
In a cone in front of himself Medjed blasts fire. This deals dmg, stuns enemies hit, and deals the dmg from the Smiter passive. Movement speed gained from this can stack. Also gains attack speed when the mark activates.
Shapeless Body
Medjed dashes in the direction he is moving in and becomes invisible and gains movement speed for 3 sec. Can pass through walls during this time.

Ultimate Abilities

Unseen Punishment
Upon casting casts Shapeless Body and becomes invisible for 5 sec. During this time Medjed can use a BA whenever to fire a large beam of light to blast a wide line in front of himself. Has a wind up time of .5 sec before firing. This deals dmg constantly and applies his passive the Smiter with each tick. Can turn the light slowly but can't move. Lasts 5 sec.

Other Abilities

BA Chain
1s-100%. 60 strength, 40% int.

Piercing Eyes scaling: 70% strength, 40% int.

Flames of the Smiter scaling: 40% strength, 70% int.

Unseen Punishment scaling: 60% strength and int.

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