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Mefitis by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Aug 1, 2023
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One Who Smokes in the Middle

A minor goddess of underground sources(like springs), volcanoes, and poisonous gasses.

Passive Ability

Persistent Poison
All abilities apply Persistent Poison to enemies hit. This deals dmg constantly to enemies and reduces their protections. These effects increase in intensity the longer that enemy is affected by that poison. The duration of the poison can stack up to a cap when hit by abilities or attacks again.

Primary Abilities

Gas Cloud
Upon casting Mefitis turns into a cloud of poison gas, gains movement speed, and immunity to slows and roots. When Mefitis moves while as a gas she leaves behind a trail of gas behind her. Enemies inside it take dmg constantly and are slowed. Mefitis can not use her other abilities or BAs while as a gas. Can recast to end early. Lasts 5 sec.
Volatile Fists
Upon casting Mefitis turns her arms into sludge and gains increased range, attack speed, and each successful BA on an enemy reduces their protections. Lasts 5 sec.
Hazy Fumes
Upon casting selects an area and creates poisonous fumes there. Any enemy that walks into them or is there when the fumes are summoned takes dmg, is poisoned, and mesmerized. If the fumes mesmerize an enemy Mefitis gains movement speed towards it.

Ultimate Abilities

Sulfuric Pits
Upon casting Mefitis selects an area and summons an underground pit of sulfuric acid and gas. This is only noticeable occasionally giving off toxic fumes above the ground. If an enemy walks into this area they take dmg, are slowed, and poisoned. Also reduces healing. These pits last 120 sec before disappearing automatically. This ability can store multiple charges based on level.

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