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Mordred by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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The treacherous prince

King arthur nephew and mordred betrayed him and tried to claim the throne for himself. Ultimately failed and was either killed or cast away from camelot.

Passive Ability

Black armor
When Mordred takes DMG it stores up in his armor turning it blacker and rusty. This decreases his armor but increases Mordred's power.

Primary Abilities

Beheading slash
Mordred gains a shield and dashes forward slamming his sword down which stuns enemies and deals DMG. Can crit. Shield lasts 5 sec. Charge distance can be increased by channeling this ability then releasing.
Raging war
Mordred roars and in a dime around him destroys any cc and incoming projectiles. Boosts his next attack or ability to deal DMG based on his current armor. also gains movement speed that decays over time.
Face me!
Taunts enemies nearby then dashes forward carrying enemies with him dealing DMG. Gains increased DMG and a boost to his armor for 3 sec. Increased by 15%.

Ultimate Abilities

Down with the king!
Mordred marks the enemy with the largest amount of gold and kills and he deals 50% more DMG to them while allies 25%. Mark lasts 5 sec. After casting this ability Mordred gains movement speed that decays over time and boosts his first BA to stun. Each deals increased dmg. If king arthur is targeted he takes 5% more DMG from Mordred. If king arthur is on Mordred's team king arthur deals 30% more DMG instead of 25%. If Mordred successfully kills the marked enemy he refreshes his buffs and keeps them for the next 5 sec.

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