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Mr. Hyde by ZingZang1235

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Mr. Hyde

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 2, 2021
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Mr. Hyde

3 fold man

My. Hyde is like Hyde from Dr. Jekyll and Hyde but Mr. Hyde has mini versions of himself in his hat up to two others.

Passive Ability

Triple threat
BA alternates between all sizes of Hyde which boosts his basic abilities based on which size is next in the chain. The chain repeats after the third attack starting from the largest size to the smallest size.

Primary Abilities

Vicious strike
Hyde empowers his next 3 BAs to deal increased dmg, spin hitting enemies around Hyde in a circle, and slow enemies hit. Large Hyde bonus: spin range is larger. Medium Hyde bonus: spin range is normal. Slow lasts longer by 1.5 sec. Small Hyde bonus: deals more dmg, spin range is smaller, and has increased crit chance.
Hat trick
Hyde has 3 charges of this ability which can all be cast one after the other with a .5 sec cooldowns in between. Once all 3 are cast this ability goes on cool down for 7.5 sec before a hat can be thrown. Same for the next 2 hats after it. Throwing a hat deals dmg and can set the distance the hat can travel forward. Once done moving the hat will stop and lay on the ground for 120 sec. If Hyde had multiple hats out he can walk onto a hat and after 2 sec he is transported to the hat that was thrown out after the hat you stood on. This puts both hats on cool down for 10 sec and can't be used again. Can only travel between them in one direction. Upon exiting a hat Hyde gains a short movement speed boost for 2 sec.
Hat trap
Hyde leaps forward a short distance forward and slams down his hat in an area in front of him. Enemies caught in this area take dmg and are stunned for 2 sec. Large Hyde bonus: area in front of Hyde is increased and stun lasts .5 sec longer. Medium Hyde bonus: leap distance is larger and dmg is normal. Small Hyde bonus: dmg is increased and hat size is smaller. Gives Hyde an attack speed boost if it hits an enemy.

Ultimate Abilities

Triple hat domain
Mr. Hyde reveals all of his sizes and applies all of his abilities boosts at the same time. This form lasts 10 sec. Can be needed earlier if recast or 5 ability casts happen. BAs are replaced automatically by ability 1 which boosts the BAs in a different way. First BA is a dash then next 3 make all sizes spin applying all of ability 1's bonuses. The final attack makes Hyde spin 3 times and cripple and slow enemies hit. Ability 2 now allows allies to use the hats only if a hat is thrown while ult is active. Once an Ally goes through a hat it destroys them and gives the movement speed boost to them. Ability 3 uses all 3 hat bonuses at the same time dealing all effects.

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