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Namaka by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2021
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Rage of the tides

So one day Pele got mad and made the volcanoes erupt. So all of her sisters got mad at her for ruining stuff mortals made and Namaka was tasked with putting out the flames once again. Namaka is another sister of Pele and they are exact opposites. One water one fire. You get the point. The only thing they really had in class n was the fact that they argued a lot.

Passive Ability

Undeterred Path
Namaka has sea water instead of mana. All mana related effects occur at a reduced rate in sea water and a portion is given as health instead. Has 15 stacks of sea water. Each use of an ability uses more sea water then the last and can stack up to 3 times. This effect also grants increased cdr and dmg per cast. Fall off time of 2 sec.

Primary Abilities

Turbulent Currents
Selects a target and sends a stream of water at the target. This deals dmg. If this ability kills an enemy unit it's cooldown is refunded completely, refunds sea water cost, and it deals more dmg. Gains range with each cast as well. Can stack up to 3 times. Hitting an enemy god grants movement speed for 1.5 sec. Gains attack speed if she gains all three stacks for 3 sec.
Towering Tsunami
Passive: BAs deal bonus dmg based on a portion of her total power.

Active: In a line horizontal to herself Namaka summons a wall of water. This blocks all projectiles from passing through it and lasts 3 sec. Can recast early to send the wave forwards. If it hits an enemy god it pushes them back and crashes down on them dealing dmg and stunning. If the wall blocks a projectile from an enemy god it travels faster when recast and refunds this abilities sea water cost.
Tide Pools
Summons a tide pool around herself that follows her. Gains movement speed and heals herself and allies that stay in the water. BAs during this time deal bonus dmg. This effect lasts 3 sec. Can recast during this time to send the pool out in a line. Any enemy hit takes dmg constantly and is vortexed into the center of the water. Retains movement speed and bonus dmg on BAs while pool is moving.

Ultimate Abilities

The Savage Seas
In a larger area around herself Namaka summons the raging sea of a thunderstorm around her. This grants movement speed, attack speed, and lifesteal on all abilities and BAs. This area automatically sends waves of water at enemies that deal dmg and slow. A total of 5 waves can occur at once, one per enemy god. If Namaka hits an enemy with Turbulent Currents 3 waves converge on that enemy. Area lasts 8 sec.

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