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NARCISSUS by jilah

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By: jilah
Last Updated: Aug 10, 2023
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The God of Mirrors and Reflections

General idea : Bring your enemies into the land of confusion

Level : Average to hard to master

Story : In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia who was known for his beauty. According to Tzetzes, he rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life.

Skins : Upon selection , Narcissus can take the appearance and the name of any another hunter god ; minus their other skins

Passive Ability


3 Narcissus admiring each other in poses similar to those of the 3 graces in the florentine painting Primavera ( Botticelli, 1480 )

Each time Narcissus creates an illusion in the battlefield , one of the 3 figures is highlighted and have a simple and brief motion/ animation

How it works

Every two successful abilities ( or every basic attack over a damage threshold per level, based on percentage , Narcissus casts an image of himself at the location where the highest damage was dealt , up to 3 images of himself

Narcissus may teleport afterward to those 3 image using his 3rd ability ( see Echoes )

Primary Abilities

Returning arrow
Type : Line / Cripple

Narcissus shoots an arrow that passes through minions and gods . Then , the arrow turns back after the latest enemy passed through to hit him/her in the back at full speed

Once hit , the enemy is immobilized for 1 second .

If no enemy is in line ,and if the following characters stands on the returning arrow's course , then the arrow may immobilize ally minions , ally gods and Narcissus himself .

Note that, contrary to other characters, if Narcissus is hit by his own arrow , he's immobilized for a full 2 seconds
Broken mirror
Type : Curve / Zone / damage per second / cripple

Narcissus shoots an arrow that stick into the ground . Cracks appears in the zone as if the ground was a shattered mirror. Then the zone explode in glass shards , dealing damage .

Additionally, enemies hit by the initial hit are wounded and loose an amount of health per seconds until the duration of the effect is over ( to be determined )

If enemies p*** through the area before its effect is over, they're slowed down by 10 %
Type : Mobility spell

#1 Narcissus teleports to the location he aimed to

#2 Narcissus may aim at one of the illusion he created with his Passive . In this case , he may re-use the ability to teleport to a second and even a third illusion provide he does it within 4 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Wall of Illusions
Type : Deployable / stealth

Narcissus creates an gigantic mirror that splits the map in two . Thinks of OW symmetra's wall without the shielding effect . The mirror will reflect the part of the map ( and all the enemy characters who stands inside ) before it .

Allies are not affected by the illusion .

It's a great way to hide your allies and take your opponents by surprise . Mirror can be passed through . It lasts 4 seconds .

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