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Nefertem by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jun 3, 2022
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Water lily of the sun

Is the god of the lotus blossom and came into existence when time began. Is also a god of perfume and aromatherapy. Represented the sunrise. Because he was lonely his tears created humanity. Is born with every sunrise then matures into Atum then when night comes dies and passes into the underworld. Is thought to be the son of ptah and sekhmet. Is depicted as a young man wearing a blue lotus headdress. Is also sometimes depicted as having the head of a lion and therefore is considered the brother of the god of lions.

Passive Ability

Narcotic effects
All of nefertums attacks and abilities mark enemies with wafting fumes. If any other allied god hits an enemy with this mark it disappears and they are healed and deal bonus magic dmg. If an ally is healed by this in rapid succession (within 1 sec of each heal) the heal reduces itself each time up to 30%. If nefertum hits the same enemy again he is also healed but it is reduced and only deals up 10% bonus magic dmg to that enemy. Also grants nefertum movement speed for .5 sec. wafting fumes lasts 3 sec on enemies and while it's active enemies leave behind a trail of smell that only nefertum can see.

Primary Abilities

Spiraling flower
In a line forward throws a a spinning flower. All enemies in it's path are dmged and slowed. The spinning can dmg enemies multiple times and can apply and proc his passive. After hitting one enemy god the flower stops in place and spins faster dealing dmg over time for 3 sec. Applies a greater slow to enemies when the flower stops. If it doesn't hit an enemy god then it returns to nefertum and spins faster and applies the greater slow.
Blooming blue lotus
Selects an area and sends a flower to that location for .5 sec. When the flower lands it enlarges into a flower bud to fill the area selected dealing dmg and then immediately blooms and opens into a flower. This dmges and knocks up enemies hit. Since this ability deals dmg twice it can apply and proc passive. If any allied god including himself is in the area when the flower opens they gain a shield and increased protections based on the main dmg type of all enemy gods hit. Max 2 per dmg type.
Petal storm
Passive: every time an enemy unit dies near nefertum they leave behind seeds that give off a smell. Using abilities also leaves seeds behind where they hit enemies. Can walk over or use BAs on the seeds to heal himself and gain permanent magic power. This has no cap. Seeds last 30 sec on the ground.
Active: can select a seed with this ability. Doing so teleports him to that seeds location and granting himself a larger heal and more bonus power. When he teleports, an area around himself swirls with petals dealing constant dmg and reducing enemy protections over time. This effect lasts 3-5 sec based on level.

Ultimate Abilities

Aroma flurry
In an area can select any allied god or himself. Upon selecting an ally they gain movement speed and attack speed for 5 sec. During those 5 sec if the ally were to die instead they enter complete stasis for 3 sec. This means they can't be dmged, cc'd, or affected by any gods or enemies. During this time that ally also can't move or carry out any of their usual actions. After 3 sec the ally is resurrected with 33% hp and mana and for another 3 sec gains the movement speed and attack speed buffs from when this ability was placed on them. If nefertum uses this ability on himself he gain these bonuses plus ability 3 affects a larger area, deals more dmg, and if enemies stay in it for 2 sec they become poisoned taking dmg over time even when out of the ability and have reduced healing. Can also teleport further. Increases passive heal but each consecutive heal can be reduced up to 40%. Bonus power cap is increased to 15%.

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