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Nephthys by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 16, 2021
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Lady of the temple

Is the sister of isis(eset) and has domain over things such as death and funerary rites. Is the mother of anubis and the wife/sister of set.

Passive Ability

Dead bodies
Whenever a minion or jng monster is under a certain hp threshold have a mark above their heads and can be killed with Nephthys first ability. Doing this turns them into dead bodies which are just minions or jng monsters that attack faster but die faster as well. Enemy gods can have this mark but won't summon dead bodies

Primary Abilities

Raise the dead
Nephthys strikes an area with magic killing marked enemy units and dmging enemies. This marks enemies and attracts dead bodies giving them a speed boost. Mark also slows enemies.
Embalming beer
Nephthys throws beer forward that heals allies and gives them a speed boost. Nephthys can be healed by this but not speed. Enemies are poisoned and dazed from beer. This increases Nephthys magical power. If any dead bodies are hit by this they are modified to become ranged unless already ranged and can heal other dead bodies occasionally. Range is aoe attacks as well.
Tomb thrower
Nephthys rises tbs from beneath the ground and the number she rides increases with level of ability. Then she can fire one tomb at a time. Each explode, slow, and deal DMG upon impact. If a dead body is in the way of a tomb they are modified and use the lid of the tomb as a shield and reduce incoming DMG by 25%. They are slower but also larger and have more hp. Attacks are slower but deal more DMG and they slow. Shield can't block ults.

Ultimate Abilities

Night sky display
Nephthys summons a giant black sky above her that follows her. This makes all dead bodies underneath it invis and gives them a speed boost. This shields allies and gives them speed boost as well. Enemies outside of the skies range can't see anything inside besides a giant dark sphere. Inside they can see enemy gods but not dead bodies. Enemies underneath the sky also take DMG over time. Also slowed. If any enemy dies underneath the sky they become a dead body.

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