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Nimue by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Lady of the lake

So by the title you know where this is going. This is the lady of the lake who gave king arthur his sword. After king arthur "died' he was taken to the lake and told mordred to throw the sword back into the lake. Mordred wanted the power of excalibur threw a different sword instead and then betrayed arthur. The lady of the lake allowed arthur's body to float down the lake and essentially go to heaven. I believe.

Passive Ability

Healing waters
Healing allies grants Nimue bonus Mana over time.

Primary Abilities

The ladies lake
Nimue brings forth her lake around her which heals allies over time and gains speed boost. Enemies are slowed and slowly drown if they stay in the lake too long.
Thorn brambles
Nimue has 3 casts for this ability and each is in a different pattern. Each pattern summons thorn bushes that root and DMG enemies over time. If all 3 brambles hit enemies can cast a fourth time which sends forth a large patch of plants that upon impact explodes, stuns, roots, deals DMG, and deals DMG over time.
Lakes promise
Nimue selects an ally to grant bonus DMG and speed and gives them go and Mana over time. Gains increased healing from ability 1. Lasts 5 sec. If Nimue and the boosted ally dmgs the same enemy the first attack gives that enemy a mark and the second attack deals 20% more DMG.

Ultimate Abilities

Excalibur's holder
Nimue summons excalibur from the depths of her waters and makes lakes from ability 1 appear around her. Each lake does reduced healing to allies. The Nimue wields excalibur for the next 6 sec and her BAs become melee. Each swing copies arthur's abilities. If king arthur is on the enemy team BA DMG is reduced by 15%. Is on Nimue's team king arthur's BAs deal 15% more DMG and speed.

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