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Niu mowang by ZingZang1235

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Niu mowang

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 12, 2022
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Niu mowang

Bull demon king

Is a demon king and a sworn brother of Sun Wukong along with other demon kings. He is considered the main villain of journey to the west. His wife is princess iron fan and his son is red boy. Sun Wukong once disguised himself as bull demon king and stole princess iron fans fan. This angered the real bull demon king and he transformed into pigsy and tries to steal the fan back but ends up fighting sun Wukong. During the battle he reveals his true form as a giant white bull and charges forward but is stopped by Ne Zha and is brought before the Jade emperor to be judged.

Passive Ability

Heavy blows/bull headed resilience
BAs deal bonus dmg based on his bonus hp. Everytime Niu Mowang attacks an enemy he gains a stack of resilience. This grants him bonus physical protections and heals him for 1% of his max hp. Can stack up to 10 times.

Primary Abilities

Horn charge
In a line forward he charges with his horns out. If he hits an enemy they take dmg then .3 sec later he throws them behind him and deals dmg again based on the enemies max hp. Hitting god made terrain destroys it in an explosion that destroys it. When enemies are thrown and they land they are slowed for 1 sec.
Thunderous stomping
Upon casting gains movement speed. This effect is doubled if walking towards enemy gods. While move speed persists causes tremors to occur with each step. These deal dmg and if an enemy is hit by at least 3 each step they are hit by afterwards trembles them. This lasts for 3-5 sec based on lvl. If Niu Mowang manages to tremble and enemy his next BA against them doubles his passive dmg, heals himself and one nearby ally, and slows the enemy hit.
Headbutt punch
In a wide line forward Niu Mowang punches with both fists. This dmges enemies and pushes them back slightly. If Niu Mowang takes dmg while this ability is on cooldown it reduces it's CD by .5 sec every hit. Hitting enemies with this ability again within 5 sec adds his passive dmg to the ability. This effect can stack up to 3 times.

Ultimate Abilities

White bull rampage
Upon casting becomes stationary and cc immune for 1 sec as he transforms into his true form a s a giant white bull. Then he gains 40% increased movement speed and reduces turning. Gains speed over time and lasts for 6 sec. Hitting an enemy stops the ability, causes and explosion that deals dmg, and knocks up enemies hit for 1 sec and become stunned when they land for 2 sec. Transforms back to original state and ability 3 deals max dmg to enemies hit for the next 5 sec. Increases passive dmg as well.

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