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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆

Njordr by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Sep 5, 2024
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The Old God of the Sea

Because smite 2 has finally introduced dual scalings and protection scalings I can use those now. Going forward for my concepts the damage type listed above will be the primary scaling or the scaling that the god will use the most IF they are hybrid. I will probably mention hybrid scaling here plus BA scalings. If not that's just what they scale with. The role is just going to help indicate play style and lane but if people feel like they belong elsewhere that's fine I don't really care. Note I have not played smite 2 yet or even watched footage of actual gameplay yet so if anything is horrendously broken here then please tell me. I'll also probably make more new concepts rather than work on my older ones bc working on the older ones again for like the tenth time is a little to tedious now after doing it so much.

Passive Ability

Patience of the Sea
Every 5 sec out of combat Njordr catches a fish. Each fish caught grants Njordr bonus gold and empowers his next ability cast. Can have up to 3 fish at anytime. Holding 3 fish grants Njordr increased movement speed and hp5.

Primary Abilities

Bountiful Catch
Upon casting Njordr throws a harpoon forwards in a line. Upon hitting an enemy god it deals dmg and pulls that enemy towards Njordr. If Njordr caught a fish with his passive this ability deals more dmg per fish and has a percentage of its cooldown refunded if it hits an enemy god.
And Release
Upon casting throws a large net forwards in a semi circle in front of him. Enemies hit are slowed and take dmg. Per each enemy god hit Njordr heals himself. If Njordr caught a fish with his passive this ability heals more per fish and grants the healing to the nearest lowest health ally as well.
Surfing the Sea
Upon casting Njordr dives underwater and gains movement speed. Can stay submerged for 5 sec before this ability automatically ends. While submerged can recast this ability to dash to an area and then resurface in a large explosion dealing dmg and knocking up all enemies in the area. If Njordr caught a fish with his passive this ability gains increased range and grants increased protections upon hitting an enemy god for the next 5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

The Cold Calm Sea
Upon casting Njordr summons a large swirl of water around himself. This ability lasts 8 sec. This grants himself and all allies in the area a shield. Allies that stay in this area are healed over time while enemies are slowed and take dmg over time. If an ally stays in this area for 2.5 sec they gain attack speed and movement speed whilst in this area or for 2 sec after leaving it. If an enemy stays in this area for 2.5 sec they are time dilated into a banish and sink into the waters. When this occurs the dmg over time increases and deals max hp dmg. Banish lasts 1.5 sec. Enemies will reappear where they were in the swirl when banish ends.

Other Abilities

BA Chain
BAs use his harpoon. 1s/1s/1.5s-120%dmg 50/50 scaling.

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