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Nu. by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024
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The Inert One

God Description

Passive Ability

Inert state
Every 14 sec out of combat Nu enters the Inert state. This grants him movement speed, increased mp5, and dmg reduction. If Nu is hit with dmg while this is active passive is used. Falls off in 1.5 sec. If hit with cc gains increased ccr for the duration as well.

Primary Abilities

Endless Water
Passive: whenever this ability hits an enemy god Nu gains permanent bonus max hp.

Tap: splashes water out in a cone. Enemies hit take dmg and are slowed. Deals more dmg and slows more the closer they are.

Hold: Begins gathering water into a ball. Channeling this ability stops channeling ult but doesn't end it. Can channel this ability for max 5 sec. Channeling increases range and speed of ability. If channel starts after being in Inert State this channel can not be interrupted and will instead be delayed for the duration of the cc. Releasing sends a wave of water forwards then once it reaches max range it'll come back as a larger wall of water. Deals dmg on its way out and on its way in deals dmg and pulls enemies closer leaving them stunned briefly.
In an area around himself Nu releases water. This ability deals more dmg and has a longer range based on how much dmg he took recently within 3 sec. Gains a shield when cast. For every enemy god hit by this ability Nu heals himself and deals bonus dmg. This reduces passive cooldown by 2 sec per enemy god hit as well.
Violent Ripples
Nu glides to an area and upon arriving gives off ripples of water every sec for 5 sec. Each ripple does dmg and slows. If an enemy god is hit by 3 ripples they take bonus dmg and are rooted. If an enemy god is hit by 5 ripples they take bonus max hp dmg and have their protections stolen for the next 3 sec. Casting this ability deals 6% of Nus current hp to himself.

Ultimate Abilities

Washed Clean
Upon casting begins channeling water into a jar. Can channel indefinitely. This channel can not be interrupted by cc and will only be delayed by the ccs duration instead. Recasting this ability causes Nu to aim the jar and fire a large blast of water in a line. The range, dmg, and duration of the blast increase based on channel time. Reaches max effect at 20 sec of channeling dealing true dmg. Cannot move or turn while casting.

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