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Nuezuka by Sovix

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By: Sovix
Last Updated: Feb 1, 2023
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The yökay of the disease

In the last years of the Heian period, where the emperor (Emperor Konoe) lived, the Seiryō-den, a cloud of black smoke had appeared along with a terrifying resounding cry, scaring Emperor Nijō quite a bit. Therefore, the emperor fell ill and neither medicine nor prayers had any effect.

A close collaborator recalled when Minamoto no Yoshiie used an arrow to stop the mysterious singing of a bird, and gave the order to the arrow master, Minamoto no Yorimasa, to kill the monster.

Yorimasa went out to kill the monster with an arrow made from the arrowhead he had inherited from his ancestor Minamoto no Yorimitsu and the tail feathers of a mountain bird. A mysterious black smoke began to cover the castle. Yorimasa shot his arrow, a shriek ensued, and a nue fell around the northern part of Nijō Castle. Nue died. In the heavens above the imperial court, two or three songs could be heard, making it clear that peace had returned.

But everything ends up coming back, and Nue was no exception. Now he roams the battlefield sickening everyone nearby and desiring to take revenge on the one who had the audacity to kill him.

Passive Ability

Mysterious disease
Nue will choose an opponent and will get sick with one of five diseases: Paranoia, Fatigue, Constipation, Cough or Dementia. Nue will be able to choose who to place one of these diseases to a total of five opponents (one for God). He can change them or leave in the same god if he kills one who already is carrying one. If Nue dies these diseases will disappear until Nue reappears, having the option of change them if he wants.

Paranoia: You will see Nue’s silhouettes and will hear Nue around all the time.
Tiredness: Depending on the distance this god from Nue, will reduce the attackspeed and hp5 (far) or movementspeed and damage (close).
Blindness: The god will no longer be able to see enemies, buff, wards, etc... more than 10 feet away or in the minimap.
Cough: The god will make a noise that Nue would be allowed to see every 15 seconds (far) or 5 seconds (close), and it will make him mute for the rest of the team.
Dementia: The god will see things that are not there at that time or will not see things that are there, even if it's attacking them.

Gods affected: 2-1Lvl/ 3-10Lvl/ 5-20Lvl
Hp5 reduced: 10 + 2 per Lvl
attackspeed reduced: 5/10/15/20 per 5Lvl
movementspeed reduced: 5% + 3% per Lvl
damage reduced: 2.5/5/7.5/10% per 5Lvl
Attack chain
The chain when is active HUNTER PEST will change to only 2 attacks that if both of them hit an enemy god it will applied Laziness.

Primary Abilities

Winds of death
Nue will open his mouth releasing a smoke capable of blinding the opponent who have the misfortune to be touched by this, or execute the minions that were brushed by it. This will make Nue inmune to any knockback or puss in the cast of the abilitie and give him a speed boost at the end of it.
This will apply famine.

Direct damage: 100/175/250/325/400 (+45% of power)
Number of ticks: 2/2/3/3/4 ticks
Tick damage: 10/30/60/80/100 (+35% of power)
Range of execute: 35% of minions max health
Blind duration: 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1 seconds

Cooldown: 13 seconds
Mana: 40/50/60/65/75
Toxic storm
Nue transforms into a large black cloud, becoming immune to any source of damage. If Nue gets close to an enemy, it will give him a buff of movementspeed as it throws lightning bolts and poisonous darts. If they enter it, they will receive direct damage and be driven away from it. Our will be able to pierce objects created by enemies while inside.
It will apply trauma

Movementspeed: 2.5/5/7.5/10/12.5 %
Bolts damage: 50/150/200/250/300 (+50% of power)
Darts: 75/150/200/225/275 (+55% of power)
Poison ticks: 5/15/25/35/45 (65% of power)

Cooldown: 12 seconds
Mana: 55/60/65/70/75
Hunter pest
Passive: Luck hunter
Nue will be put in a quadrupedal posture, giving you a new chain of basics and four extra diseases that you can apply with each skill and a new attack chain:
Greed: It will stop getting gold passively and will receive less gold from assists or eliminations.
Laziness: It will reduce de movementspeed and castspeed of the enemy god.
Famine: It will consume all the chalices, potions and sentries you had at that time.
Trauma: He will see allies and enemies as if they were from the same team, being able to do damage to both of them,his skills will do 10% less damage.
This can only apply to one enemy by cast.

Ability: Pest carrier
Nue will create a plague cloud in which it will become invisible and recover mana if it’s inside. Any enemy entering this will enlarge and be re-damage by a tick according to its maximum life.
It will apply Greed.

Laziness slow: 5/7/9/10/15%
Cloud damage: 100/150/225/275/300 + 5% maximum life (+45% physical damage)
Cloud duration: 6/8/12/14/18 sec
Cloud size: 20 + 5 per enemy
Duration diseases: 5/7/9/10/15
Cooldown: 16/14/12/10/9.5 seconds
Mana: 56/63/70/77/84

Ultimate Abilities

Storm of sickness and poison
Nue will start roaring, howling, scratching, jumping around, creating a huge dark cloud of poison and pestilence. Everyone whom Nue manages to lock up inside it will begin to die slowly and painfully, whether ally or enemy. After this Nue will launch a small flare that will ignite the cloud and everything near it, including itself, causing Nue to increase its speed, its power and making its basics fire the enemy that strikes with them, but also Nue will be completely unprotected while it burns.

死は黒い雲の後ろに吹き飛ばされているだけです! (Death finishes flying after the black clouds)

Cloud damage: 250/350/450/550/650 (+100% of power)
Tick damage: 50/100/150/200/250 +5% of their max health (+50% of power)
Flare damage: 50/60/70/80/90 (+15% of power)
Burning cloud: 150/275/325/475/550 (+120% of power)
Burning damage: 25/75/125/175/225 (+45% of power)
Speed boost: 10/15/20/25/30%
Power boost: 5/15/20/30/35%
Cloud ticks: 2/2/3/3/4
Fire ticks: 1/2/2/3/4
Damage to allied: reduced 50%

Cooldown: 110/100/90/80/70 seconds
Mana: 100/95/90/85/80

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