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Nut by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2021
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Vault of the heavens

(I don't even remember how I got that title. Just believe that it's ok plz.) The goddess of the sky and the stars. The lover of Geb and in pictures is always shown curved above him. Sadly is separated by Shu because reasons and can't touch or talk to Geb. So sad too bad love birds.

Passive Ability

Star fragments
Whenever any god dies near her they drop a star. Enemies grant hp and allies grant Mana.

Primary Abilities

Comet trails
Has 3 different active casts in order. Throws a comet forward in a line that explodes upon impact and stuns enemies. Second cast. 3 comets surround nut and she gains a shield. If enemies hit all three comets they do dmg and explode. The shield and comets last 5 sec. Last cast. Sends a meteor from the sky to crash down dealing dmg, burns enemies, and slows enemies hit.
Sky covering
In an area around her burns enemies and slows them. Allies are given a shield based on missing hp and lasts 3 sec.
Meteor dash
Slowly gains movement speed and then at max speed she turns into a blazing ball and if she hots enemies explodes dealing dmg and burns enemies hit. Lasts 5 sec at max speed. Can transform faster based on base movement speed and buffs from allies and jungle camps.

Ultimate Abilities

Heavens roof
(might need a better name. Not sure though) creates a some around herself that prevents attacks from going through. This trap s enemies inside the dome and the dmg they do is reduced. They cannot leave the area but other enemies can still walk through.if Nut is cc'd then the dome will disappear. Dome lasts 5 sec. Allies inside the dome are given a shield and healed over time. Nuts cooldown's are refreshed inside the dome as well. Dmg reduced to enemies is by 20%.

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