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Oba by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 1, 2022
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Exiles goddess of rivers

Is the first legitimate wife of Shango. Because she was not Shango's main focus in their marriage and only focused on Oya Oba decided to cut off her ear and feed it to Shango hoping it would impress him. Obviously it did not and she was cast out of his home. She weeped for long enough that she became the river oba that intersects with the river Oya.

Passive Ability

Obas abilities and attack apply stacks of Grief. BAs apply 1 stack and abilities apply 10. Max stacks is 100 and for every 10 stacks an enemy gains they have reduced healing, lose a percentage of their protections, and all magic dmg they take is increased. Lasts for 5 sec before losing all stacks.

Primary Abilities

Machete toss
Wields two machetes with scarfs at the ends. Upon casting can throw one of them forward and if they hit an enemy they are slowed by 50% for 1.5 sec and take dmg based on their max hp.
Rivers tears of regret
In an area around Oba she cries and gives off small waves of water. This ability can last as long as there is enough mana. Every sec the waves deal true dmg to enemies and applies passive. This ability only applies 2 stacks of passive every sec. Allies in the waves are also healed every sec. Whenever an ally is healed so is Oba. If an enemy stays in the tears for 3 sec they take increased dmg and are feared. Can't be feared again for 5 sec.
The flow of water
In a line forward Oba slides creating a river beneath her. Allies gain movement speed and attack speed while standing on it. If Oba hits an enemy while sliding they are thrown behind her and take dmg. If they land on the river they are rooted. If an enemy is rooted on the river all allies standing on the river gain a shield.

Ultimate Abilities

Obas humiliation
In a wide line forward Oba sends out water on the ground. This slows enemies and applies passive. Then at the end of the line a tall wall of water is formed. Then it crashes down dmging enemies and pushing them towards Oba. This applies passive again to all enemies hit. Once the wave is done enemies are stunned for 3 sec and Obas abilities apply more stacks of passive up to 20 each.

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