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Ogmios by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 6, 2024
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The Eloquent

God Description

Passive Ability

Honeyed Words
Whenever an enemy is affected by cc near Ogmios he heals for a percent of his max hp. If it's from any of his curses gains stacking attack speed up to 3 times for 3 sec.

Primary Abilities

Motivating Speech
Upon casting Ogmios gains attack speed and bonus dmg on his BAs for 5 sec. If Ogmios lands a BA on an enemy affected by Defixiones then he deals an additional max hp dmg and life steals the same amount of dmg dealt.
Casting this ability changes all base abilities to reveal another set of abilities. Each new ability has a separate cooldown from the other but this.ability goes on a 1 sec cooldown with each cast from the new set.

Motivating Speech is replaced with Diakopai. Casting this ability sends a golden chain from Ogmios in a line forwards. This deals dmg and slows the first enemy god hit. That enemy god then gains a dime around them that's 5 units in radius. Any targeting abilities from the enemies allies don't work and it reduces healing and shielding by 20% for 3 sec.

Defixiones is replaced with Agogai. Ogmios sends a golden chain forwards in a line and stops upon hitting the first enemy god. This deals dmg and slows. Then if the chain lasts on the enemy for 1.5 sec Ogmios pulls the chain towards him dealing increased dmg and stunning the enemy. Gains movement speed towards the chained enemy.

Resort to Violence is replaced with Diatrypo. Casting this ability sends a golden chain from Ogmios in a line forwards. Stops upon hitting the first enemy god and deals dmg and slows. Then after a brief delay an area on the ground around that enemy summons spikes that shoot upwards. This deals dmg and roots all enemies hit.
Resort to Violence
Leaps to an area dealing dmg to all enemies hit. This abilities cooldown is reduced whenever an enemy is affected by a curse from defixiones. This abilities cooldown is fully reset whenever Ogmios kills an enemy god.

Ultimate Abilities

Poisonous Words
Casting this ability opens a selection to modify it once from the ability set of Defixiones. All casts cause Ogmios to shout the name of the selected curse forwards in a large cone. This deals dmg constantly and trembles enemies hit. Lasts for 3 sec and is cc immune while shouting. If an enemy stays in the cone for a specific amount of time they are afflicted with the curse chosen.

Diakopai: if an enemy is in the cone for 1 sec they are afflicted with Defixiones Diakopai curse. The dome size is increased to 10 units in radius and antiheal and anti shield are increased to 30%. Deals more dmg.

Agogai: if an enemy is in the cone for 1.5 sec they are afflicted with Defixiones Agogai curse. The chains instantly pull enemies hit and deal increased dmg.

Diatrypo: if an enemy is in the cone for 2 sec they are afflicted with Defixiones Diatrypo curse. The spike area underneath enemies is larger, deals an additional missing hp dmg, and applies bleed to all enemies hit.

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