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Oonagh by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 2, 2024
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Queen of the Fairies

God Description

Passive Ability

The Wee Folk
Oonagh can change her size and hide in walls once every 10 sec. Once in a wall is stuck in that spot until she walks out. Can cast some abilities while in walls. While in a wall her health depletes over time increasing in intensity. Can not enter a wall when crippled.

Oonagh's abilities deal bonus dmg based on how much more hp her enemies have compared to her.

Primary Abilities

Fairy Fire
Oonagh shoots flames from her hand in a cone dmging enemies hit. Casting this ability again within 8 sec increases the dmg dealt for the next cast. This effect can stack up to 3 times. If this ability is used while in a wall it won't activate until an enemy walks into its range. Can linger in walls for 60 sec. Can have multiple fairy fires in walls equal to this abilities rank(so at rank one only one fairy fire can be in a wall at any given time etc.). When activated from a wall deals 35% less dmg, reveals enemies hit, and slows.
Whisked Away
Passive: Oonagh increases her magical lifesteal by 15% and shares her healing received from lifesteal with nearby allies.

Active: For 2 sec Oonagh draws a line on the ground and after a .3 sec delay it explodes revealing a portion of the fae realm. Any enemy hit by the realm appearing takes dmg and is enchants enemies. Enchant disorients, blinds, and reduces magical protections of enemies hit. The zone then lingers on the ground for 5 sec. Allies who stand on the zone are healed over time and gain movement speed. Enemies are slowed and take dmg over time if they stand on the zone. This ability gains increased cast range while in a wall. After casting this ability while in a wall will be forced out of the wall.
Dazzle the Senses
Oonagh sends out an orb of magic in a line. If it hits an enemy god it creates a tether and Oonagh gains movement speed while the tether lasts. After 2 sec the tether breaks enchanting the enemy hit and dealing dmg. Oonagh then can recast this ability within 3 sec to teleport to one of the 8 directions of movement(like the 8 directions for Rama roll or Achilles 3) around that enemy. Teleporting this ways causes 3 other clones to appear around the enchanted enemy and they copy Oonagh's movements for the next 3 sec(like Danza 3 but the center is the enemy god). Clones disappear after taking any instance of dmg from enemy gods. If a clone disappears it explodes slowing nearby enemies and reducing their magical protections. This ability gains increased cast range if used in a wall.

Ultimate Abilities

Realm of the Fae
Oonagh becomes cc immune and opens a large portal to the Fae realm at the target location. Any enemy caught in the area when it opens is banished to the Fae realm. Enemies hit take dmg over time from all manner of fairies for 2 sec. Then they come back to the battleground enchanted. If an enemy dies while in the fae realm Oonagh gains a permanent increase in power. Allies hit by this ability are cleansed of any cc and are healed the same amount that enemies take as dmg.

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