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Orion by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Oct 6, 2021
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Constellation hunter

Was a mortal man once and hunted with Artemis. After some time slot of people thought Artemis was going to break her own oath of not marrying with Orion and so they killed him and to honor him they made him into a constellation.

Passive Ability

Meteor trail arrows
Every 3 BAs gives Orion a stack of meteor trail. Max stacks is 9. Once he reaches max stacks he has 5 sec to fire BAs each successful BA adds 3 sec. At max stacks his BAs are empowered firing off the stacks as small meteors dealing additional dmg, slowing, and marking enemies if he has ability 2 unlocked. Meteors can crit but deal reduced dmg.

Primary Abilities

Astral slide
Orion slides in a direction dmging and knocking up all enemies hit. At max level dash distance and area increases and deals true dmg in the middle.
Eye of the stars
Gains movement speed, attack speed, and extra range on hit BAs for 3-5 sec based on level. BAs passively mark enemies hit by them and can be seen through walls from a certain distance. Mark applied slows for 1 sec. Casting this ability gives bonuses and makes his next few BAs automatically seek enemies that are marked for as long as they have the mark. Mark consumes itself in 3-5 sec. When the mark consumes itself it applies a decaying slow. His passive is boosted and 1 auto counts as one stack of meteor trail.
Makes stars fall on an area dealing constant dmg and slowing enemies hit. At max rank area increases and in the middle a large meteor falls occasionally dealing increased dmg and crippling enemies hit.

Ultimate Abilities

Constillation cannon
Orion flies high into the sky upon casting and is u targetable for a few seconds. Orion can't move and can only cast the ultimate. Each cast of ult makes a random shape out of stars and can send them to the ground dealing constant dmg and slowing enemies. Can cast again to send himself crashing down dealing dmg and knocking up enemies hit. Passive is constantly active when in area of stars falling and deals increased dmg to enemies affected by the falling stars. Lasts 3-5 sec. Can walk out of ult and has 3 sec to fire passive before buff disappears.

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