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Osanyin by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2022
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Nature's cripple

(title is...) The staff he uses is named after him which has 16 birds on it. Is a god of nature and as you probably guessed from his title. He's crippled.

Passive Ability

Spirit hunter
The first attack Osanyin uses on an enemy deals 15% more dmg based on max hp marks that enemy with a spirit. Has 3 sec to hit that enemy again to absorb the spirit and deal 15% more dmg based on missing hp. This effect has an internal cooldown of 20 sec for each enemy god hit. Gaining spirits heal him, grants additional max hp, and gives him more power.

Primary Abilities

Thorn spike
In an area around himself Osanyin gives off rings of thorns on the ground one after the other. These rings deal dmg and slow enemies hit. Then .5 sec after all rings appear they shoot forward in an arc and upon landing deal dmg again and shred 15% of enemies protections per thorn.
16 birds
In a cone in front of him sends out 16 birds to hound enemies and deal dmg over time. Then after 3 sec they explode dealing more dmg.once all small birds are summoned Osanyin summons a crane to fly forward and carry the first enemy god hit backwards away from Osanyin dealing dmg and crippling them. The small birds deal more dmg the further away an enemy is and heal Osanyin for 20% of the dmg dealt by them. Can also heal allies nearby.
Vine shackles
In a line forward Osanyin throws a vine. If this hits an enemy they are dmged and stunned and pulled towards Osanyin for 1.5 sec. Then once the stun ends they are rooted for 1 sec and take dmg again.this automatically activates his passive both times needed to gain a spirit even if that enemy was already hit with passive effect. Gains even greater buffs from this.

Ultimate Abilities

Orisha of the forest
In an area around Osanyin he heals himself and allies. This also roots enemies. Then he flies up and fires three seeds down which grow into trees which constantly heal allies over time. Enemies are rooted again and dealt dmg over time. The trees last 5 sec. After the ability ends the trees fall stunning and dmging enemies underneath the fallen trees. Trees last 3 sec.

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