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Oya by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 31, 2022
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Nine-colored goddess of the weather

Is a goddess that controls the weather. She gave birth to nine children but all of them died. She decided to get rid of the plague of barrenness by sacrificing a cloth with nine colors on it. She and Shango are the children of Yemoja.

Passive Ability

Unpredictable weather
Whenever an ability us cast gains an empowered BA for 5 sec. This causes oya to spin her whip around herself dmging all enemies hit in a circle around herself. Whenever oya dmges an enemy they take bonus dmg and can't take it again for another 10 sec per enemy. This effect resets whenever her weather type changes.

Primary Abilities

Rainbow cloth
In a short line forwards dashes and changes the color of her skirt between fire, lightning, and water in that specific order. Gains movement speed and attack speed for 3 sec.
Whip crack
In a line forward Oya cracks her whip dmging all enemies hit. Gains bonus effects based on weather type active. Fire: deals bonus dmg based on missing hp and in a longer line in front of the whip sends a vertical line of fire that slows and burns enemies based on missing hp. Lightning: Shreds 20% of enemies protections and cripples them. In a wide cone in front of the whip sends out lightning to all enemies in it slowing them and dmging them. Water: Roots all enemies hit and lifesteals. In a circle in front of the whip .5 sec after the whip lands it explodes in water dmging and knocking up enemies hit and heals allies in that area.
Ravage the ground
Dashes forwards in a line dmging all enemies. Portion of dmg is true dmg. Gains attack speed afterwards. Applies elemental effects while dashing. Fire: has longer range and burns the ground underneath the dash into lava. This deals dmg over time and slows enemies. Lightning: in a wider area while dashing clouds appear turning Oya invis while in them. This path of clouds speeds up allies and slows down enemies. Lasts 3 sec. Water: dash lifesteals from all enemies hit and slows all enemies hit. Leaves ice on the ground that slows enemies more the longer they stay on it. If on ice too long will eventually stun them. If an enemy is stunned by the ice BAs deal bonus dmg to that enemy based on their max hp. Lasts 5 sec on the ground.

Ultimate Abilities

Wrath of the storm
In an area around herself deals constant dmg and gains movement speed and attack speed for the duration of ultimate. Passive is constantly active and getting a kill resets ability cooldowns. Gains bonus effects based on weather type. Fire: the ground underneath Oya turns to lava which burns enemies and slows them. The storm around her also applies a burn to enemies which can stack up to a cap. Passive dmg is increased. Lightning: gains even more increased movement speed and attack speed. Every sec all enemies around Oya are struck with lightning taking dmg based on max hp. This also cripples them. Grants movement speed to allies as well. Water: the storm around Oya slows enemies and every 3 sec roots enemies. Enemies inside the storm can only see what's inside the storm and enemies outside can't see in. If an enemy stays in the storm for long enough they will freeze and become stunned. Taking dmg while frozen deals bonus dmg based on their current hp and heals Oya. Storm also heals allies over time including herself.

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