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Pan by Skaamoss

3 Votes


By: Skaamoss
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2021
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God of the Wild

Pan is an assasin type god, focused around increasing his own and allies movement speed while slowing his enemies. He is ability focused but also relies on the dagger he uses to basic attack with.

LORE (-ish):
Pan is the son of Hermes, which is why i made him a speed focused god.
In the lore, Pan came about the first time a creature ever exprienced irrational fear. This kind of makes him the embodiment of fear
(halloween themed). The word "PANic" came from this god.(more halloween thing)

Passive Ability

Due to Pans goat hooves he is immune to cripples and roots and will instead recive a 20% slow for the duration of the debuff

Primary Abilities

Hoof stomp
Pan stomps his hoves into the ground then slashes in front of him with his knife in a cone shape. Both hits slow and damage the enemies hit, if hit once they recive a 20% slow, if hit twice they recive a 30% slow.

If Pan's flute is active, this ability will recive 20% more physical scaling and the slow will increse from 20%-25% and 30-35%
Pan's flute
Pan plays his flute magically enhancing his next ability and making his next (3/3/4/5/6) basic attacks deal AOE damage.
Horn Rush
Pan dashes forward, knocking up and damaging anything that comes to contact with his horns in the proccess.

If Pan's flute is active, Pan will gain the ability to dash through walls and will gain a 20% movement increase after the dash.

Ultimate Abilities

Pan lets out a great roar, bringing all enemies in the area into a great panic, making them run in random direction and being unable to controll their characters for the duration of the debuff while also dealing damage.

If Pan's flute is active, all allies on the map gain a 20% movement increase and slow immunity.

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Djansson (1) | November 4, 2021 2:12pm
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