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Pan by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Lord of the wild

Pan is the god of the wild and his cries can fear all kinds of creatures. He has a group of nature spirits that follow him and party forever. This results in pan being good friends with Bacchus(Dionysus)

Passive Ability

Free the wild
Using a BA against a jng monster doesn't dmg it instead it prevents them from taking dmg for a few seconds. This interacts with his other abilities. BAs deal increased dmg based on his prots and bonus hp when in jng.

Primary Abilities

Musical charm
Plays his reed pipe sending musical notes forward in a line charming enemies hit. Can hit multiple enemies but only deals dmg to first enemy hit charms the rest in an explosion. In an area around pan his music grants allies movement speed and attack speed.
Forest maker
This ability has 3 casts. Each cast lasts 30 sec on the ground. Upon casting creates a bush on the ground. This bush blocks vision of those inside it. If inside the bush counts as being in the jng. Pans abilities lifesteal if in bush. Gives lifesteal to allies if effect by this ability. If an enemy is in the bush they are slowed and take dmg over time.
Call of the wild
Pan plays a note and in an area around him gives a shield to allies based on their missing hp. This also calls the jng monsters with his passive to be spawned at his location and attack enemies he uses BAs on. They have increased attack speed but reduced max hp. Max 6 monsters are allowed to be spawned including buff holding monsters and scorpions. When monsters are called the camps are reset and the gold and exp are split amongst pain and all of his allies. Buffs are left in the monsters camps. Each monster lasts 15 sec before dying on their own.

Ultimate Abilities

Cry of terror
Pan let's out a loud goat bleat that applies pure fear to enemies in a large radius around himself and dealing dmg. Pure fear applies fear to enemies, slows them, and applies a dmg over time that is based on the enemies missing hp. The area that is effected by the cry lingers and any projectiles that hit it are broken. This lasts for 3 sec.

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