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Papa Legba by ZingZang1235

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Papa Legba

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 30, 2024
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Papa Legba

The Great Elocutioner

God Description

Passive Ability

Stringing Sentences
Whenever an ability deals dmg this passives cooldown is reduced by 5 sec. Cooldown at all ranks is 20 sec. Whenever this passive is available Papa Legba empowers his next ability. While this passive is available he also gains movement speed.

Primary Abilities

Silencing Staff
Passive: Papa Legba's BAs deal bonus max hp dmg to silenced or deafened enemies.

Active: In a cone forwards Papa Legba swings his walking stick. Any enemy hit takes dmg and is silenced.

Passive buff: If this ability is cast while Stringing Sentences is available it deals the passive max hp dmg on hit and applies a mark to all enemy gods hit. Whenever an allied god hits an enemy with the mark their BAs also deal the bonus dmg and they heal for a portion of the dmg dealt. Lasts 3 sec.
Encouraging Words
Papa Legba selects an ally to grant a shield to. This also grants attack speed based on his protections. The shield lasts 2 sec before exploding. If it hits an enemy the shield disappears and it deals dmg. If it doesn't hit an enemy the shield lasts for another 2 sec.

Passive buff: If this ability is cast while Stringing Sentences is available it deals more dmg, shields more, and grants movement speed based on his protections.
Guard Dogs
Papa Legba selects an area and sends a dog to run to it. Any enemy hit as the dog runs takes dmg and is slowed. When the dog arrives it remains stationary there for 45 sec before disappearing. If an enemy god enters its range the dog will clamp down on them dealing dmg and crippling them. Enemies are revealed while crippled. 3 dogs can exist at the same time.

Passive Buff: If this ability is cast while Stringing Sentences is available this ability gains bonus range, deals more dmg, and when the dog cripples an enemy they are also deafened. If an enemy god is deafened by this ability they randomly have 2 of their abilities silenced for 1.5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Invigorating Speech
Papa Legba selects an allied god or himself and recites a speech that empowers that God for 5 sec. During this time that god gains increased attack speed, movement speed, hp5, and bonus dmg and lifesteal from BAs based on Papa Legba's protections. Papa Legba always gains the movement speed regardless of who he uses this ability on. During this time if an enemy stays within a certain radius of the god for 2 sec they become mesmerized by Papa Legba's speech.

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