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Parvati by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2023
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She of the mountain

God Description

Passive Ability

Mother's Joy/Wrath
Whenever abilities affect allies she gains stacks of Joy. Whenever attacks or abilities affect enemy gods she gains stacks of Wrath. Max 7 for both. Each stack of Joy grants increased hp5 and movement speed. Max stacks of Joy grants her increased protections for 3 sec and reduces all her cooldowns by 2 sec. Each stack of Wrath grants increased penetration and lifesteal. Max stacks of Wrath grants her increased power for 3 sec and reduces all her cooldowns by 2 sec. Cannot gain passive stacks for 3 sec once she reaches max stacks and resets all stacks.

If one base ability is active Parvati can not use any of her other base abilities until the previous one is cast. Cancelling any abilities before they are cast puts all base abilities on 1 sec cooldown unless already on cooldown.

Primary Abilities

Kataka mudra/Abhaya Mudra
This ability cycles between the Kataka mudra and Abhaya Mudra. Each have separate cooldowns and empower her next BA. Both effects can be used at the same time.

Upon casting Parvati opens one of her hands and makes the kataka symbol. This empowers her next BA for the next 3 sec. Upon using the empowered BA in a line forwards she sends forth pink blast of energy. Any enemy hit is mesmerized and partially blinded. This also deals dmg that is reduced per enemy hit. In an area around the blast grants allies movement speed.

Upon casting extends her hand outwards unless it already is and makes the Abhaya symbol in her hand. This empowers her next BA for 3 sec. Empowered BA lobs an orb of energy to the target location. Upon landing enemies are rooted and take dmg while allied gods are cleansed of any cc and retain this buff for .7 sec. Parvati gains movement speed per ally affected by the cleanse.
Tarjani mudra/Chandrakal mudra
This ability cycles between the Tarjani mudra and the Chandrakal mudra. Each have separate cooldowns and empower her next BA. Both effects can be used at the same time.

Upon casting Parvati extends her hand outwards and makes the Tarjani mudra. This empowers her next BA for 3 sec. The empowered BA releases energy in a cone in front of herself that slows and reduces enemy protections this lasts 1.5 sec and if an enemy is hit by the last tick it deals max hp dmg and taunts enemies hit. Parvati gains a stack of block per each enemy god taunted.

Upon casting Parvati extends her hand outwards and makes the Chandrakal mudra. This empowers her next BA for 3 sec. Empowered BA sends energy in a curved path to the right that then explodes at max range or upon hitting an enemy god. Allies hit by this have their cooldowns reduced by 15% and gain attack speed while enemies are affected by time dilation for 1.5 sec and any abilities used during this time have an increased mana cost. Upon hitting any god regardless of team Parvati teleports next to the first god hit.
Hirana mudra/Varada mudra
This ability cycles through the Hirana mudra and Varada mudra. Each have separate cooldowns and empower her next BA. Both effects can be used at the same time.

Upon casting Parvati makes the Hirana symbol in hand. This makes her dash in the direction she is moving in, turn invisible, and gain movement speed for 3 sec. If she is hit or uses an ability or attack while still invisible it ends early and has a reduced cooldown.

Upon casting Parvati selects an area and a circular area expands from it like a liquid. The expansion can last up to 3 sec. The liquid will stop and attempt to go around any entity it collides with. Can recast early to end the expansion. Upon doing so or waiting the full duration the liquid will not be pushed away by other gods and after a brief delay it explodes. Allies in the liquid are healed whilst enemy gods take dmg and gain anti heal.

Ultimate Abilities

Parvati Lasya
Upon casting Parvati becomes cc immune and performs her Lasya dance for 6 sec. In an area around herself Parvati releases waves of sound that heal all allies and grants movement speed and dmges and slows enemies. Silences any channels and grants her movement speed. Every 1.5 sec Parvati slows down during her dance and then immediately increases her movement speed back. Last tick heals and dmges the most and knocks up enemies hit.

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