Pauahtun by duuplicatenamee
A god of mischief and the conduit between the earth and sky, Pauahtun chains his abilities, and enemies, together to capitalize on their misfortune
Passive Ability
As magical abilities are cast near Pauahtun, he gains stacks of Resonance, which provide him with crowd control reduction against the next form of hard crowd control that would affect Pauahtun
Pauahtun’s Resonance gradually fades after being out of combat for eight seconds
Maximum CCR: 40%
Maximum Stacks: 5
Primary Abilities
Pauahtun releases a surge of magnetic energy, damaging and slowing enemies within a small area. Enemies struck by the surge become Polarized
Polarized enemies receive a stacking slow, and slow all other enemies within 20u every 0.3s for 3s
Damage: 60/95/120/155/190 + 45% Magical Power
Slow: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% + 3/3/4/4/5% per 0.3s
Maximum Slow: 30/30/35/35/40%
Cost: 65/70/75/80/85
Cooldown: 15s
A burst of electricity that damages enemies in its path. Nearby Polarized enemies are pulled towards Pauahtun's ground target location, after a brief delay, and are damaged by a second bolt of lightning upon arrival
Travel Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 + 65% Magical Power
Bolt Damage: 25/45/65/85/105 + 30% Magical Power
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
Cooldown: 18s
Whenever stacks of Resonance are consumed, Pauahtun gains 3/3/4/4/5% Movement Speed for 2s
Pauahtun dashes forward, and gains a small burst of movement speed. Surge gains distance as Pauahtun builds Resonance
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s
Ultimate Abilities
A seismic wave that damages enemies in its path. Should Earthshatter strike a Polarized enemy, the wave breaks, causing an eruption 30u wide, damaging all enemies within the area.
Additionally, Earthshatter deals increased damage to slowed enemies, increasing for every 5% slowed; Earthshatter’s bonus damage does not stack with item- or relic-based slows. This bonus damage is capped at a 40% slow
Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 + 45% Magical Power
Bonus Damage: 20/25/30/35/40 + 5% Magical Power
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 30s
Hard Crowd Controls Include: Stun, Mesmerize, Disorient, Root, Taunt, and Banish
Magnetism has a unique targeting system. The initial damage is dealt along each of three lines/arcs, very similar to Kali's Lash. Like Kali's Lash, Pauahtun can select a ground target area along the middle; that is where Magnetized enemies are pulled to. Now, the surrounding area is an oval that widens and narrows along with the side arcs and where the radius is placed. Enemies within that oval are not damaged (unless they are struck along any of the lines), but Magnetized enemies within this area are pulled. Lastly, the damage does **not** stack, should enemies be struck by multiple arcs
Surge begins as a dash as short as Nemesis's Swift Vengeance, and lengthens gradually from there
The bonus damage from Earthshatter can stack up to 8x, allowing the ability to deal 220/300/380/460/540 + 85% MP to enemies that have been slowed by 40%
Concept Art Credit to Kaios-0 on Reddit
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