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Perun by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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Pole star eye

Perun is the god of lightning, war, and oak trees. He uses stone arrows as his bolts and has golden apples that are very destructive. Just like norse mythology slavics have a world tree and perun sits on top of it with his he. At the bottom is Veles the god of the wet and wooly underworld. Occasionally Veles would venture higher up the tree and steal something of Peruns. Perun would then chase Veels around the world trying to send him back to the underworld where he belongs. Eventually Perun would send Veles back to the underworld and peace would be restored.

Passive Ability

Sundering stone
Every 5 BAs deals increased DMG and is fired faster. Has increased crit chance and 25% chance to execute minions and jng camps. No large monsters or gods.

Primary Abilities

Stone arrow barrage
When Perun lands a BA he gains a stack of stone arrow. Max 20 stacks. Each stack equates to 3 arrows. When he casts this ability Peruns BAs now fire 3 arrows, fire faster, deal increased DMG, and effects from items are increased by 25%. Stacks last 30 if no BAs could land. Lost after death.
Sky piercing arrow
Perun starts channeling increasing range and DMG of ability. Charge lasts 3 to max range and DMG then has another 3 sec to let go of arrow. Arrow is larger and deals increased DMG. Pierces through enemies and applies a mark. This mark attracts ulti giving it 20% increased move speed towards mark as well as Perun himself. Let's off lightning that can hit multiple enemies. Channel reduces move speed by 40%
Thunder flash
Perun dashes in a bolt of lightning dmging and stunning enemies in his path. Is untargetable and can't be dmged while dashing. Can dash through walls.

Ultimate Abilities

Ball lightning apples
Perun throws three golden apples into the sky they then stop hovering over the ground and let out lightning in an area beneath the apples. Enemies marked by ability 2 attract the apples. First lightning strike deals the most DMG and stuns enemies. Apples will also follow recently dmged enemies. Each apple lasts 5 sec.

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