PHOBOS by redmist456
Passive Ability
Unseen Horrors
When striking an enemy god from Stealth or hitting them with abilities from an unseen location, PHOBOS will apply the debuff DREAD to his enemies for 10 seconds. Enemies under the effect of DREAD have reduced vision range, and will take bonus damage from hard-cc causing abilities equal to 10% of PHOBOS' Bonus Physical Power .
While unseen or stealthed, PHOBOS gains bonus 10 (+2 per Level above Level 6) HP5 health regeneration.
Primary Abilities
Heart Gripper
PHOBOS fires his hand of chilling demise that deals 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+55% Physical Power) to the first enemy hit. May be recast immediately to pull the marked target to PHOBOS' current location, and slows them by 15% for 1.5 seconds.
Recasting from Stealth does not break the Stealth.
Shard of Fear
PHOBOS calls down a broken fragment of terror at an area, dealing 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+40% Physical Power) as damage and fearing all enemies caught within for 0.75 / 1.00 / 1.25 / 1.50 / 1.75 seconds.
Haunting Guise
PHOBOS bends the light around him and becomes Stealthed, gaining 10% Movement Speed in the process. Striking an enemy that already has DREAD with your attacks or abilities causes them to spread DREAD to nearby enemies.
Ultimate Abilities
PHOBOS targets any Ally in the map. He then transforms into a flurry of phantoms as he rushes to his selected Ally, dealing 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 / 360 (+ 70% Physical Power), as well as fearing all enemies in his path for 1.5 seconds.
Upon reaching his Ally's location, whether they are dead or alive, all enemies around them are feared for 1.5 seconds. Enemies can only be feared once with each use of this Ultimate.
If the allied god takes fatal damage before PHOBOS reaches their location, they are temporarily resurrected for 5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 seconds.
Author's Notes
Phobos is an Assassin whose unique kit blends a sneaky-stealth fearmonger with a support role. His passive, Unseen Horrors, makes him a unique "wall snipe" god. Though he offers severely reduced tanking capabilities, the combination of his crowd control power and his map presence ensures his allies are well-equipped for any fights.
Phobos offers a total of four crowd controls in his kit, one which is unique to him. He can slow or pull enemies with HEART GRIPPER to break off fights or drag an unsuspecting enemy into one. And what's the God of Fear without his ability to induce Fear; with his SHARD OF FEAR, he can leave enemies filled with DREAD. His passive, UNSEEN HORRORS, can severely limit the amount of information an enemy can have by giving them reduced vision range. This will also help stack the DREAD debuff, since the Passive triggers as long as PHOBOS is not seen.
Blocking off information and breaking (or initiating) fights is not his only strength. PHOBOS can offer good map presence thanks to HAUNTING GUISE and PANDEMONIUM. Play mental games with your enemies as you strike from stealth, leaving them severely isolated from their allies. Or temporarily raise your ally from death; when you play your cards right, your team can win against your enemies merely with just the numbers advantage that you will have in fights.
While Phobos can be played as the Jungler, he can also play as a support in the duo lane. His CC and his map presence creates a unique "global support" that can start or end fight on his terms.
The word "phobia" is a term we are all too familiar with. No matter who you are, there is always a thing that you will fear. Fear is a very personal and very telling emotion: it shows your vulnerabilities and failures far more accurately than anger or pleasure. As such, Phobos hates heroes, or at least people who think they are not scared of anything. And in times of war, it is not pleasure or anger that unites armies: it is fear.
THEME - Support Assassin: Phobos can use his CC, Mobility, and Map Presence to turn the tides of battle into a numbers advantage game.
Visuals - Shards and Mirrors: With fear being unique and personal to each individual, it is only accurate to portray Phobos as having an automata with a reflective surface to "reflect" the fears of everyone.
Personality - Fearmonger: Phobos is a recluse who thrives on scaring people. During wartime, he is often amassing armies through fear, and during times of peace, he can be found in the nooks of the wild, scaring travelers and would-be heroes.
Perspective - An Anti-Hero God: In the most literal sense, he hates the idea of daring heroes who fears nothing, not even death. To have hubris like that is a lamentation he has long held against the gods - beings who need not fear due to their immortality.
(TO ARES): "Once again, the duty of keeping the rabble in check falls to me. Might as well hand me the title of god of war."
(TO ZEUS): "Certainly not the fearsome king I've heard."
(TO HERCULES): "Big, dumb, and dead. Just how I like it Champion of Rome."
(TO SCYLLA): "Need someone to hold your hand, little girl?"
(TO CLIOHDNA): "Well, she's certainly a screamer."
(TO RAVANA): "They call you a scary demon? Seriously?"
(TO HUN BATZ): "See no evil. Fear. No. Evil."
Taunt 1: "Tell me your worst fear, and I'll make it come true."
Taunt 2: "I can't tell if those are tears of fear, or of shame."
Taunt 3: "Afraid? At least your heart's still beating."
JOKE 1: "When I'm done with you, you're gonna need some new pants."
JOKE 2: "Your worst nightmare? My best reality."
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