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Pipa Jing by ZingZang1235

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Pipa Jing

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 21, 2022
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Pipa Jing

Spirit of the Jade pipa

Was a Jade pipa but turned into a seductive spirit. Is one of three spirits under Nu Wa along with Da Ji and Jiuotou Zhinui Jing. Once disguised herself as a young woman and went to a fortune teller. The fortune teller realizes Pipa Jing is a spirit and holds her hand tightly and snacks her on the head with an ink stone. This kills Pipas mortal body and since the fortune teller is still holding her hand she can't leave. She is then set on fire and killed with lightning. Is revived later by Da Ji by gathering the essence of the sun and the moon.

Passive Ability

Musical tune
Every ability cast empowers her next BA to deal bonus dmg. Ability 1 deals more dmg based on missing hp, ability 2 deals dmg based on current hp, and ability 3 deals dmg based on max hp. After using empowered BA gains a short burst of move speed for 1.5 sec. Every 3 ability casts empowers her next ability cast to deal bonus dmg based on BA bonuses and have an added cc effect.

Primary Abilities

Harmonical strike
In a vertical line forward Pupa Jing sends forth a blue sound wave that dmges the first enemy hit. When she casts this ability she also pushes herself backwards and becomes cc immune while in the air for .75 sec. Passive Bonus: The wave is wider, deals bonus dmg based on missing hp, and stuns the first enemy hit.
Melodical echoes
In a wide line forward sends a green wave forth. Passes through all enemies dealing dmg. At max range it comes back towards her dealing 15% bonus dmg to enemies hit by the wave when it goes out. Allies are shielded by first wave and when it comes back it converts the shield into hp. Passive Bonus: roots enemies on first wave. Second wave pushes enemies towards her. Each deals max bonus dmg and second wave does 1.5 times more of the bonus dmg. Increases allied healing and shielding.
Beat strum
Selects a rectangular area and in a wave strings are strung forwards. Enemies hit b these strings are dmged and slowed. Reduces enemies protections by 15%. Passive Bonus: knocks enemies up and shreds 25%. Slows enemies afterwards. Allies are speed up if hit by this ability.

Ultimate Abilities

Jade pipa strings
After she casts one of her base abilities this ultimate ability changes based in which was cast. Ability 1: after first ability is cast this ability changes and when cast sends 5 strings outwards in a large line. They are strung outwards away from her and dmg and stun enemies based on missing hp. Per every enemy hit gains mana and movement speed. Ability 2: after ability 2 is cast this ability changes to send 5 strings inwards towards her in a line. This pushes enemies towards her and dmges them based on their max hp. Per each enemy hit she heals herself and nearby allies. Ability 3: in a horizontal line in front of her strings are strung from the outer edges and then meet in the middle and then surge back outwards. If an enemy is hit by any of this they are knocked up and take dmg based on current hp. Allies gain attack speed if nearby. If hit by the strings a second time takes reduced dmg and shreds 25% of their protections.

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