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Ptah by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2021
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Whisperer of creation

So this is the first god to appear supposedly and created the world with his hands and words then he was essentially forgotten. Has a thing for architecture. That's it.

Passive Ability

Staff power
(the name seriously needs to be worked on. Plz give me suggestions) paths BA attack chain is 4 attacks then it resets. The first is from his left staff then the right. The third strike is from the left staff but it becomes an aoe explosion. The fourth and final BA is from his right staff and it fires a beam that pierces enemies.

Primary Abilities

Words of creation
Sends hieroglyphs forward that explode dealing dmg. Can choose between 3 different kinds of glyphs with abilities. First glyph explodes in a larger radius and stuns enemies. Second lowers enemies protections by 15% and slows them by 15%. Third glyph is faster and deals increased dmg. Can be cast onto an enemy to act like a heat seeking middle. If an enemy is in the way and hits them it splits off still doing dmg and the smaller glyphs deal increased dmg and are faster. Will always travel in a straight line.
Papyrus of binding
Chooses an area and roots all enemies in it dealing dmg upon casting. The area disables the use of abilities for 3 sec. If ptah hits a rooted enemy the root explodes dealing dmg and slows enemies.
Architect of heaven
This is a three cast ability. First cast creates a gate that launches allies and ptah if they walk through it gain ing a speed boost. Gate lasts 6 sec. Enemies who walk through the gate are slowed and the gate collapses on them dealing dmg. Can recast a second time to create make a roof appear and after 1 sec delay it falls down dealing dmg and stuns. Can recast a final third time to make pillars appear distanced apart the same length as the roof in a line. Then another 1 sec delay the pillars race towards each other dmging enemies in their path. If enemies are hit from both sides by pillars they are stunned and dealt increased dmg. Once the pillars meet the explode.

Ultimate Abilities

Birth of the heavens
(I need a better word then heaven. Lately it's been used too much) ptah enters a state of complete omnipotence and creates an area which enemies are trapped in taking dmg over time. Enemies can walk through the walls but are slowed and take dmg. The wall will disappear after one enemy walks through. Paths empowered BAs are always active inside the area and suffers no movement penalty when using his BA. Shape of area starts as a square and a wall is added whenever the ability is leveled up.

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