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Puss in Boots by Sovix

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Puss in Boots

By: Sovix
Last Updated: May 30, 2024
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Puss in Boots

The intrepid swordsman

Where heroes and gods face each other in epic battles, a cunning and brave figure appears from sunset: Puss in boots. This ingenious and charming feline, known for his skill with the sword and his sharp intelligence, has traveled through all the kingdoms gaining the fame of a master of the sword, and now he has decided to go to the battlefield of the gods to show his abilities. With magical boots that allow him to perform incredible feats and a sharp sword, Puss in boots combines his skill in combat with unparalleled ingenuity. His adventures have led him to face giants and rescue princesses, but now, he is in a war where only the strongest, brave and most intelligent prevail.

On the battlefield of the gods, this Booted Cat will prove to be an agile and lethal warrior, capable of changing the course of the battle with his cunning and courage.

Passive Ability

Feline agility
Puss in boots gains additional movement speed each time it dodges an enemy attack or ability using its own movement skills. In addition, during the execution of these abilities, he is immune to attacks.

Velocity of movement by dodge: 3% per stack
Increase in defences by dodge: 6 per stack
Maximum stacks: 5
Bonus Duration: 5 seconds out of combat

Primary Abilities

Agile Jump
Puss in boots performs an acrobatic jump in a target direction, dodging attacks and repositioning himself on the battlefield. During the jump, he is immune to all attacks. Upon landing, it deals damage and slow to nearby enemies, gaining an accumulation of Feline Agility.

Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+60% physical power)
Slow: 45%
Slow duration: 2.5 sec

Cooldown: 12 sec
Mana: 70
Dance of Swords
Puss in boots unleashes a series of rapid attacks in a circular area around it, damaging all nearby enemies and applying a cripple and bleeding effect that inflicts additional damage over time. If used just after Agile Jump, the Booted Cat is still immune to attacks during the animation of the skill.

Initial damage: 40/70/100/130/160 (+35% of physical power) per blow
Number of blows: 5/6/7/8/10
Bleeding damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+10% of physical power) per second
Duration of bleeding: 3 sec
Cripple duration: 3 sec

Cooldown: 15 sec
Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
Enchantment of the Boots
Puss in boots activates the magical power of his boots, temporarily increasing his attack speed and reducing the damage received. During the activation of this ability, it is immune to slowdowns and will gain an accumulation of Feline Agility if you dodge an attack.

Increased attack speed 15/20/25/30/35%
Increase in mitigations: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15%
MP5 increase: 25/30/35/40/45
Duration: 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 seconds

Cooldown: 17 sec
Mana: 70

Ultimate Abilities

Feline challenge
Puss in boots challenges the enemies in a large area, increasing his endurance and attack power while reducing the movement speed of enemies and inflicting additional damage on them. For the duration of this ability, Puss in boots is immune to all forms of mass control and gains accumulations of Feline Agility for each enemy hit.

Increase in defenses: 20/25/30/35/40 each
Increase in damage: 20/30/40/50/60
Slow: 30%
Additional damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+40% of physical power) per second
Duration: 6/7/8/9/10 seconds

Cooldown: 90 seconds
Mana: 90

True pantheon

Puss in boots would actually belong to a new pantheon focused on world literature, this being the literary pantheon.

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