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Pythia by afyoung05

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By: afyoung05
Last Updated: May 7, 2020
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The Oracle of Delphi

God Description

Passive Ability

Every 16s Pythia gains 1 stack of Foresight. Whenever Pythia is damaged she loses 1 stack of Foresight. If Pythia is slain she loses 5 stacks of Foresight. Max, 20 stcaks.

Foresight: Pythia gains X% additional Movement Speed and Attack Speed. All of Pythia's cooldowns are reduced by 0.5s for each stack of Foresight (max, 4s).

Ability Type: Buff
Affects: Self

Primary Abilities

Pythia receives a vision of an ally, becoming temporarily immune to crowd control, and then heals that ally for X health and grants them a shield equal to half the health healed. This ability can pass through walls.

Ability Type: Heal and BUff
Affects: Ally
Target: Point
Mystic Fog
Pythia sends out coils of green fog in front of her, damaging and slowing enemies. Any enemies who were already being affects by CC or a debuff when hit by this are Rooted for 2s.

Ability Type: Attack
Affects: Enemies
Target: 2 Lines
Pythia shrouds herself in mystic fog, becoming invisible and untargetable for Xs. Pythia can also pass through players and player made objects for the duration of this ability.

Ability Type: Buff
Affects: Self

Ultimate Abilities

Terryfing Visions
Pythia receives visions of her enemies, becoming immune to crowd control for 3s. Then, she projects these visions into an area in frot of her for Xs. All enemies who pass through this area during this ability are Terrified for 3s, cuasing them to lose control of their god and immediately move away from Pythia as fast as possible.

Ability Type: Debuff
Affects: Enemies
Target: Circle


Pythia appears as a young pale woman in a white hooded robe. In her hand she carries a tall staff topped with a green crystal. Smoke of the same colour billows around her legs (this is the same smoke she uses in her second and third abilities). Brown hair is just visible under her hood and her eyes glow green whenever she uses and ability.


For eons, the Oracle of Delphi has dealt the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo. When the current Oracle became to old a new one would take up the mantle, naming themselves Pythia. The newest Pythia is no different. But the visions a failing, becoming fragmented, and now even Pythia knows little of what is to come. What she can see is terrifying. The end of the gods is at hand and she may be the only one who can stop it. She must pray they will listen...

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jojo33mclius | May 13, 2020 1:24am
i think it could work more as a guardias, like yemmoya
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