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Python by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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The earth snake at Delphi

Is a giant snake that lives at the center of the world believed by the Greeks to be Delphi. Was killed by Apollo and his temple was also taken over by Apollo.

Passive Ability

Writhing snake
When chasing an enemy they leave behind a trail. Following this trail gives movement speed to python. Stopping or taking dmg resets this. BAs poison enemies hit dealing dmg over time. Increases dmg of poison based on power.

Primary Abilities

Snakes burrow
When cast becomes untargetable and digs underground forward in a line. At the end of the dig resurfaces and enemies hit take dmg and are knocked up. Can set the distance of dig and can dig under terrain. Digging leaves behind tunnels that can be reused again after 2 sec. Enemies can stand on the tunnels for 3 sec to break them. Has 7 casts of this ability. 8th cast gets rid of first tunnel then the rest in order. Each tunnel lasts 240 sec.
Serpents fang
Has 3 charges of this ability. Can cast to an Ally or enemy. Only hits gods. Casting on Ally throws a fang to them healing them and increasing their movement speed. This effect also occurs on python. Same Ally can't be hit with a fang for the next 5 sec. Enemies hit are rooted, poisoned, and take increased dmg from all sources while fang persists. Both fangs last 3 sec on gods and give off an aura that slow and poison enemies in them.
Venomous bite
Leaps forward a short distance and bites an enemy slowing them and applying poison that lifesteal all of it's dmg to python. BAs extend this poison on enemies and deal increased dmg based on missing hp. Reduces this abilities cooldown if it hits an enemy.

Ultimate Abilities

Constricting strike
Python channels for max 3 sec. Upon letting go leaps forward through the air and if he hits an enemy god deals dmg and roots them wrapping himself around them. Can stay wrapped around an enemy for 2 sec. Can use BAs while around an enemy. Can cast ability 3 while around an enemy. If the enemy python is constricting is killed can cast ult again with even more range. Gains stacking attack speed, poison dmg, and crit dmg.

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