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Qinglong by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jul 14, 2022
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Azure dragon

Is a dragon that represents spring and the direction east. Dragons with different colors control different things. Since qinglong is a blue dragon controls the weather primarily rain and lightning.

Passive Ability

Bountiful rain
Every fourth ability cast refunds 25% of it's mana and deals 25% of it's dmg as true dmg. Gains movement speed for 1.5 sec afterwards.

Primary Abilities

Tide dragon
In a line forward sends a dragon made of water. Stuns the first enemy hit for .5 sec and deals dmg based on missing hp. If an enemy hit is under or brought to 10% max hp executes them. If this happens this abilities cooldown is reduced to 1 sec. Every third ability cast lifesteal 33% of this abilities dmg dealt.
Dragons tail
In a cone forward sweeps their tail dmging and knocking back enemies hit. When they land they are slowed for .5 sec. Then slams tail downwards. This sends a vertical wave of water forwards that passes through all enemies and dmges them.
Hidden lightning
In a line forward qinglong sends forth clouds and can curve it's path by moving cursor. If qinglong enters the clouds becomes targetable as a streak of lightning and follows the clouds path. If an enemy is in the way and is hit they take dmg and are crippled. Allies can use the clouds as well but can't turn into lightning and must move on their own.

Ultimate Abilities

Weathering storm
Selects an area and over time a storm is created growing in size and spinning around the selected area. After 3 sec it grows to full size. Can recast this ability after .5 sec to stop the storm from growing and send it forward. If the storm doesn't move forward it deals dmg over time and slows enemies in it. Enemies in the center where the storm is rotating around is dmged the greatest over time and becomes crippled. Sending the storm forward deals dmg and knocks up enemies hit. Makes the storm last longer. Ignores 15% of magical protections.

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