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Ran by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Aug 4, 2022
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Goddess of the drowned

Is the Norse goddess of drowning and represents the sea. Her husband is aegir also represents the sea. She represents the more scary and stormy side of the ocean while her husband represents the beauty and bountiful number of fish and other gifts the sea provides.

Passive Ability

Struggling water
Whenever ran attacks an enemy god or monster she gains a stack of struggling water. At 4 stacks a circle of swirling water is summoned around her. This deals dmg constantly to enemies and slows them while they are in it. Rans BAs gain attack speed and deal bonus dmg based on 2% of the enemies max hp, and heal her for 2% of her max hp if enemies are in the water.

Primary Abilities

Harpoon skewer
In a line forwards Ran throws a harpoon with a rope on it. This ability has 3 charges and have a .5 sec cooldown before being allowed to use the next. If this hits a wall pulls herself towards it and gains movement speed. If it stops in the first enemy it hits it deals dmg, slows, and applies bleed to enemies. Any enemies behind the first can still be hit. After .5 sec ran pulls the harpoon back to her pulling the first enemy hit towards her. This enemy stops at rans furthest BA range. Enemies behind the first hit take dmg again and are crippled when the harpoon is pulled back. They don't get pulled towards ran though. Enemies have a 10 sec cooldown on them preventing them from getting pulled by this ability again. Using this ability on the same enemy again deals reduced dmg, but doesn't apply bleed anymore.
Raiding tools
Upon casting for the next 5 sec gains movement speed, empowers her next 3 BAs and grants attack speed to them as well. First 2 BAs stab forwards with a harpoon then strikes a second time automatically pulling the harpoon out and to the side. First strike deals dmg and second strike slows and deals dmg based on missing hp. Third BA ran pulls out an anchor and in a small circle forwards slams it down dmging enemies based on their max hp and knocking them up.
Anchor dredge
Upon casting swings an anchor on a chain around herself for max 3 sec. This dmges enemies over time and slows them. Can recast or wait until 3 sec is over to throw the anchor forwards. Enemies hit by this are dmged and rooted. The anchor then lasts in the ground for 5 sec. Can choose to recast this ability again to pull the anchor back to ran. This roots enemies hit again and deals increased dmg against already rooted enemies. If ran chooses not to recast again after 5 sec ran pulls herself to the anchor dmging and slowing enemies in her path.

Ultimate Abilities

Grave of the drowned
Selects an area and for 1 sec a pool of water is summoned and expands into the area selected. Enemies in the area when the pool expands are rooted. Enemies who stand on this area are slowed and dmged over time and start to sink into the water. When an enemy is fully submerged in the water they take much more dmg over time that scales with missing hp. After 1.5 sec of drowning the enemy is brought back up immediately and are not able to be slowed again for 5 sec. The pool lasts 8 sec on the ground and grants ran movement speed and attack speed while she stands on it.

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