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Ravana (Warrior Rework) by DongerErin

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Ravana (Warrior Rework)

By: DongerErin
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2021
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Ravana (Warrior Rework)

Demon King of Lanka

Ravana ("one of terrifying roar"), according to Hindu lore, was once the king of Lanka, faithful to his god, and ruler of a prosperous kingdom. He was said to be brave, courageous, smart, and knew how to use every type of weapon with a degree of skill. It was said that only Shiva himself could kill him. He was further blessed with the ability of flight and invisibility, and could make it rain water, fire, or thousands of arrows. Despite all of this, in his heart Ravana was a pleasure seeker who sought to use his abilities and gifts for his own personal satisfaction, which in turn caused him to become lustful, proud, quick to anger, and filled with jealousy. Open to corruption, he succumbed and fell from his status as human and devolved into a ten-headed and twenty-armed demon that became the king of the rakshasas. As a demon, he is now driven by his compulsion to consume blood and as a highly skilled shape-shifter, he is also strong enough to split a mountain with his bare hands. It is also said that Ravana can rip a man's soul right from his body.

Ravana is a believer of the god Shiva the Destroyer, a great scholar, a capable ruler and a maestro of the Veena, but someone who wished to overpower the gods. Ten Heads of Ravana represents that he had knowledge of Six Shastra and Four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda).

In the great epic Ramayana, he is the antagonist. Being a polygamist, kidnapping Rama's wife Sita, to enact vengeance on Rama and his brother Lakshmana for having cut off the nose of his sister Surpanakha. Ravana rallies his monstrous siblings, his conquered allies, and his formidable army to answer Rama's taunt. And their rivalry will shake the world.

Passive Ability

Chain of Blows

Primary Abilities

Chakra Strike
Flash Kick
Shadow Fists

Ultimate Abilities

Dark Pact


Passive - Chain of Blows Status: CANCELLED/REWORKED

Originally this was made to reward you for staying in a 1v1 fight so you could do extra damage every few seconds and also stay sustained thanks to the shield. But was ultimately left off to having only the shield instead and removed the bonuses and effects to all abilities like how the OG passive worked with Prana Onslaught gaining 80% extra base damage. Each ability would have a passive of its own when the passive is fully stacked to let Ravana decide how he wants to deal with the enemy. This is also respectful to the lore considering how Ravana was experienced in all forms of combat.

1st Ability - Chakra Strike Status: SHIFTED

This was your only good ability that was in the original kit but did needs some improvement in terms of cooldown and range, also when you had max stacks of your passive, it would do 360 damage compared to the 310 damage it does now with a 2s longer cooldown so upping the damage to be consistent with the previous amount since the passive was reworked seemed only fair. The passive bonus was to not only slow movement but also attack speed to keep up against your lane opponent or High DPS enemies.

2nd Ability - Flash Kick Status: UNCHANGED

Upon receiving the CC immunity when first adjusted, this ability wasn't only to reward you for avoiding heavy damage or CC but also punish the attacker on the next use of this ability to match their pressure, hence why in the datamining it had mentioned being able to knock up enemies. For the most part, the knockup was only available on the next use of this ability when you had been hit or CC'd while immune.

3rd Ability - Shadow Fists Status: SHIFTED

In PTS, this ability had also silenced enemies when rooted, that may have been a bit too bloated but considering your worst matchups were mostly gods with sustained damage, it was very helpful. As for the healing, it was good to have changed to a flat amount but would've been better if they kept it where the healing sources weren't limited to 3 minions and 1 enemy god. Upping the damage also to be consistent with effective wave clearing considering this was the only ability to cover a whole lane wave.

Ultimate - Dark Pact Status: CANCELLED/REWORKED

The concept of the original ult was to dive a tank/support to short the distance between you and the backliners so you can tank damage from the damagers like the mage or ADC and be able to finish them off with the rest of your kit since that is the role of a solo laner but this concept was too hard for newbies to understand. So upon first reworking this ultimate to "Dark Pact", you were to become linked to either a frontliner or backliner and deal extra damage to whomever you targeted similar to a Nemesis ult but as a leap to dive onto them and ignore damage coming from all other enemies but again seemed too much to comprehend and was instead turned into what we have now where it's the % damage mitigation and whoever you land on takes 10% extra damage, only problem it has right now is the fact that its on a base 110s cooldown and only reduces 30% of damage which isnt alot for a role thats meant to build full damage.


These are all similar to what he has now, only difference being the passive being a mixture of the old and new one and ultimate being the one that was scrapped. These were supposed to be in his kit when in the datamining and when he was first released but we all saw how weak that release really was....If they only stuck with these original ideas, he would've still been a viable solo laner and jungler. But nope, Smite devs decide to take from the smallest class, Warriors, and put one of them on the Assassins class INSTEAD of just increasing the value of his warrior aspects and make him more of a warrior in lane...they just take the lazy route and change him to what he was only played in because he lacked the tools needed for solo. You can easily compare Ravana's kit to any other warrior's or assassin's kit and see Ravana is needs changes that can go either way.

Ravana VS Pele - After Patch 5.13

Both have the Pros of High Single Target and High Sustain

Ravana's ability stats:
1 = 310+80%, 2 = 210+70%, 3 = 260+70%, Ult = 500+100%
Total Damage: 1280 +320% scaling

Pele's ability stats:
1 = 440+240% due to the 2 charges, 2 = 250+80%, 3 = 600+100% if kept inside the aura, Ult = 780+120% when all cone attacks hit
Total Damage: 1950 plus 25 from passive +540% scaling

Winner? Pele. Due to the sustain from passive and DPS reward for sticking onto an enemy compared to Ravana being renowned as this backline diver doing way less.

Ravana VS Hercules - Before Patch 5.13

Both have the Pros of High Single Target and High Sustain

Ravana's kit stats:
1 = 300+80%, 2 = 210+70%, 3 = 260+55% plus 280 total heal, Ult = 500+100%
Total Kit Damage: 1270 +305% scaling

Hercules' kit stats:
1 = 365 +90%, 2 = 290 +60%, 3 = 220 heal plus 60 prots, Ult = 800 +100%
Total Kit Damage: 1455 plus 66 from passive +250% scaling

Winner? You guessed it, Hercules due to the better sustain and higher base damage despite having lower scaling but can still burst down a squishy target faster due to the ult compared to Ravana having to waste his whole kit to do a fraction of what Hercules' ult can do.

The dangerous part of doing these changes is because of how safe Ravana is to play thanks to his immunities and how simple his kit is to use so you dont want make him too easy to stomp on squishies while also not making him sustain alot to overwhelm the average warrior.

The solution is very simple, revert Ravana back to a warrior and improve upon what the scrapped abilities could've been or keep as an Assassin and buff his numbers and cooldowns as an assassin would need for more DPS and burst. Its unclear whether Ravana was meant to be AA based or Ability based due to his low base damage and high cooldowns but decent scaling and high sttack speed chain.

Ravana is in a very rough spot right now because of how easy he can be balanced so he can either be very powerful or a niche pick that you can never go wrong with. You decide how you'd wanna see Ravana be shifted, let your voice be heard and contact the developers about this scrapped rework.

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