These are all similar to what he has now, only difference being the passive being a mixture of the old and new one and ultimate being the one that was scrapped. These were supposed to be in his kit when in the datamining and when he was first released
but we all saw how weak that release really was....
If they only stuck with these original ideas, he would've still been a viable solo laner and jungler. But nope, Smite devs decide to take from the smallest class, Warriors, and put one of them on the Assassins class INSTEAD of just increasing the value of his warrior aspects and make him more of a warrior in lane...they just take the lazy route and change him to what he was only played in because he lacked the tools needed for solo. You can easily compare Ravana's kit to any other warrior's or assassin's kit and see Ravana is needs changes that can go either way.
Ravana VS Pele - After Patch 5.13
Both have the Pros of High Single Target and High Sustain
Ravana's ability stats:
1 = 310+80%, 2 = 210+70%, 3 = 260+70%, Ult = 500+100%
Total Damage: 1280 +320% scaling
Pele's ability stats:
1 = 440+240% due to the 2 charges, 2 = 250+80%, 3 = 600+100% if kept inside the aura, Ult = 780+120% when all cone attacks hit
Total Damage: 1950 plus 25 from passive +540% scaling
Winner? Pele. Due to the sustain from passive and DPS reward for sticking onto an enemy compared to Ravana being renowned as this backline diver doing way less.
Ravana VS Hercules - Before Patch 5.13
Both have the Pros of High Single Target and High Sustain
Ravana's kit stats:
1 = 300+80%, 2 = 210+70%, 3 = 260+55% plus 280 total heal, Ult = 500+100%
Total Kit Damage: 1270 +305% scaling
Hercules' kit stats:
1 = 365 +90%, 2 = 290 +60%, 3 = 220 heal plus 60 prots, Ult = 800 +100%
Total Kit Damage: 1455 plus 66 from passive +250% scaling
Winner? You guessed it, Hercules due to the better sustain and higher base damage despite having lower scaling but can still burst down a squishy target faster due to the ult compared to Ravana having to waste his whole kit to do a fraction of what Hercules' ult can do.
The dangerous part of doing these changes is because of how safe Ravana is to play thanks to his immunities and how simple his kit is to use so you dont want make him too easy to stomp on squishies while also not making him sustain alot to overwhelm the average warrior.
The solution is very simple, revert Ravana back to a warrior and improve upon what the scrapped abilities could've been or keep as an Assassin and buff his numbers and cooldowns as an assassin would need for more DPS and burst. Its unclear whether Ravana was meant to be AA based or Ability based due to his low base damage and high cooldowns but decent scaling and high sttack speed chain.
Ravana is in a very rough spot right now because of how easy he can be balanced so he can either be very powerful or a niche pick that you can never go wrong with.
You decide how you'd wanna see Ravana be shifted, let your voice be heard and contact the developers about this scrapped rework.
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