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Robin Hood by Iselgee

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Robin Hood

By: Iselgee
Last Updated: Feb 5, 2021
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Robin Hood

Prince of Thieves

In rebellion against the oppressive King of England, Robin Hood gave up his rights as a lord and used his supernatural skill with a bow to fend for the poor instead.

Robin Hood was a peerless archer who fought with the longbow, a bow famous for its range and power. For this concept, I introduce an ammo mechanic and significantly alter Robin Hood's basic attack from the standard. This allows Robin Hood to have significant burst without being overpowered. I hope it conveys the power of his bow.

Robin Hood is famous for stealing from the wealthy lords to provide the peasantry of England with basic needs. In the spirit of this theme, both Robin's 2 and ultimate play with this idea of theft.

I hope you enjoy the concept!

Caveat: Robin Hood is not part of the Arthurian Mythos nor is he technically a god. But to this I say: Arthur and Merlin aren't gods either, and the Robin Hood legend is of similar magnitude and cultural importance as Arthur's. Besides, this is just a fun concept.

Passive Ability

Robin Hood can fire over walls with his longbow and has the maximum attack speed, but he has limited ammo. Arrows persist in the ground and Robin can retrieve them or interact with them with his other abilities.

Robin Hood’s basic attacks do not travel in a line. Instead, he fires into the air and they hit a small discrete area after a very brief delay (think Ullr’s 3). As a result, Robin Hood can basic attack over walls. Basic attacks do more damage and the delay before they hit is slightly longer the farther away the target is from Robin Hood.

Robin Hood starts the game with the maximum attack speed of 2.5 attacks per second, but he has a quiver of arrows and can only basic attack while he has arrows in his quiver—each basic attack uses an arrow. Robin Hood slowly gains arrows back into his quiver over time, up to the max. Items that normally increase attack speed instead increase how quickly Robin Hood gains new arrows. At the beginning of the game, Robin Hood's quiver holds 3 arrows, but he gains an additional slot for an arrow each time he levels his ultimate.

Finally, arrows persist on the ground where they land for 2s, providing vision in a small area (less than a ward) for the duration. While the arrows persist, Robin Hood can stand on them, adding them back to his quiver after .2s if he has room. Robin Hood cannot pick up arrows this way if an enemy god is within melee range. Killing a jungle monster automatically refunds 1 arrow.

Primary Abilities

Master Shot
Robin Hood fires a super accurate shot that can split his other arrows.

Robin Hood fires an arrow in a narrow line, dealing damage to all it passes through and stopping on the first god. Additionally, if the shot hits a persisting arrow from Robin’s basic attack, the persisting arrow is split in half, destroying it, dealing extra damage to nearby enemies, briefly rooting them in place and the master shot gains some additional range and immediately changes directions towards the next nearest persisting basic attack arrow.
Steal from the rich, give to the poor
Robin Hood can buff himself to heal off gold earned and passively can share gold from ending killing sprees.

Active: Robin Hood focuses on his cause, gaining increased critical strike chance and basic attack range. Robin hood also heals 1 health for each gold he gains for the duration of this effect (2x for gold from jungle creeps/bosses).

Passive: Robin hood does increased damage to the enemy who has earned the most gold in the game. Additionally, when Robin Hood ends an enemy killing spree, the assisting ally god with the least total gold also gains the gold from ending the killing spree.
A short range low-cooldown dash, that allows Robin Hood to quickly retrieve arrows.

Robin hood power slides in the chosen direction for a short distance, dealing a small amount of damage to all enemies he passes through. While sliding, Robin Hood is CC immune and can still attack. If Robin Hood slides through a persisting basic attack arrow, he automatically adds it to his quiver and reduces the cooldown of this ability by 1s. Robin Hood cannot slide through terrain, but he ignores unit collisions.

Ultimate Abilities

Prince of Thieves
Robin Hood frames an enemy god as the thief.

Robin Hood disguises a nearby enemy god as himself for 8s.

Robin Hood can recast the ability within 4s to trade spots with the transformed enemy. There is no animation or sound to indicate this has happened.

For the duration, the following effects are applied to the transformed god: They can take damage from and deal damage to their own team including lane minions, towers, etc., but they are unable to deal or take damage from anyone on Robin Hood’s team except Robin Hood. They also appear on the screen and mini-map as an enemy god to their original team. The transformed god gains Robin Hood’s abilities, cooldowns at time of transformation, level, current health/mana, and items. The only thing they do not gain are relics/consumables and jungle buffs. For all intents and purposes there is nothing to distinguish them from the real Robin Hood to their team (except for jungle buffs and relic effects when applicable).

If the transformed enemy dies during this effect from any source, Robin Hood gets credit and steals a portion of their current gold. If the transformed enemy is not killed, they are returned to their rightful self at the end of the effect with health equal to their original health minus half the damage (minus healing) they took during the effect. If the real Robin Hood dies during this effect, the effect immediately ends on the fake Robin Hood.


I not very good at art, but here are some images I found online. Credit belongs to the creators, not me. I am torn between the traditional bright green Robin Hood and the (probably more realistic) dark green and gritty one.

Playstyle and Counterplay

Robin Hood is a bit of an assassin/hunter hybrid. His kit makes him naturally suited for the jungle, but, although he has good poke, his bad early lane clear makes him challenging to use in lane.

In the jungle, Robin Hood has very good camp clear. While playing him, by autoing at your feet you can very quickly refill your quiver and keep up a constant stream of damage. Additionally, Robin’s 2 provides sustain for each jungle creep killed while active.

Robin Hood excels at counter jungling by attacking over walls to steal camps and harass. However, be aware that Robin is very easy to kill if the enemy gets into melee range—Robin’s autos will do less damage and you will be unable to pick up your arrows, dramatically reducing your DPS.

When ganking, an ideal combo is to exhaust your entire quiver, dealing quick burst damage and then either secure the kill with your 1 or, if the enemy is retreating, dash in with your 3 to refill your quiver, allowing you to do another round of autos and then attempt to secure the kill with your 1.

In team fights, Robin wants to keep his distance and burst down the backline, attacking over walls if possible.

Robin’s ult introduces a lot of utility to his kit. The idea is that it is difficult for the enemy team to figure out which Robin to kill. In a teamfight, Robin can ult a backline God, creating massive confusion in the enemy team. Best case, the enemy accidentally kills their own god. Worst case, they manage to figure out which Robin is theirs and kill you instead, but even in that case, you’ve provided a lot of time and distraction for the rest of your team to capitalize on.

Normally, however, the enemy team will not attack either Robin Hood, for fear of killing their own. This effectively creates a mini dual between the two Robins in the middle of the teamfight since the fake Robin is the only enemy who knows who the real Robin is. The threat from the fake Robin is very real however, since he is just as powerful as you. The one clear advantage you have is that you can trade place with him by recasting your ult (note: the passive on your 2 might also help). This introduces a number of possibilities. You can auto attack at your feet, trade places by recasting you ult, and then use you’re 1 to cause massive damage by shattering the arrows. You can run back into your team and then trade places in the hope that the enemy is left in a compromised position when the ult ends. You can run under towers, swap right before being hit by an ability, etc., etc.

A great use of your ult is to wait until you are low in health and then ult the enemies’ tank. If you are able to secure the kill on the enemy Robin, you can use your 2 to heal based on the gold reward.

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Iselgee | February 4, 2021 11:22am
The appearance and playstyle/counterplay sections coming soon, as well as ability stats.
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