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ROMULUS by jilah

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By: jilah
Last Updated: Aug 9, 2023
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Founder of Rome

General idea : Use roman tactics to defeat your opponents while building and farming ressources from your city , then , once the Senate is acquired to you , flight and fight like an eagle ... to victory

Overview :

* Romulus abilities is mostly about patience, defense and harassment and ressource management at the benefit of becoming a powerhouse in late game
* His abilities can be upgraded

Trivia : Romulus 's icon is the Eagle , sign of Imperialism , wealth and civilisation , while his brother , Remus , who is more of the ranger/mercenary type , is often depicted as a snarling Wolf, symbol of resilience and natural instincts .

Skins : LAPD Riot Unit / Shazam & Shazam Family / Space Marine Warhammer 40 K / Golden Eagle

Passive Ability

Visual : A grey picture/map of the ancient city of Rome , segmented in several parts.

Once a part of the city is validated, the selected area gains vivid color .

Each city's part has a line of boxes under its shape, to tick to reinforce .


Romulus Passive is Civilisation

It focuses on ressources management.

There's basically 2 actions possible: Building and Reinforcement

Actions are selected when performing basic attacks upon recalling or/ and from the fountain

Part I Lev 1 to 8/10 :

On his attacks , Romulus gains an extra 0,3 % Gold

A percentage of the earned gold is used to build the City of Rome

The construction happens in several stages . Each stage has a cost . Cost is low to medium at max level

Once the commercial center has been built and secured ( outside walls ) Romulus can perceive a revenue ( in gold )

Part II Lev 8/10 to 18/20

At Lev 10, Romulus does not benefit from the 0,3 % extra gold on his basic attacks

Romulus gains the possibility to choose from several administrations / monuments ( Pantheon / Colosseum ...) to build and/or to reinforce . Each part has a cost in gold .

Each new structure adds an effect :

for exemple, The Pantheon emphasize on magical protection provide Romulus has already bought an item with similar effects from the store . Cost is medium to high when upgraded at max level

The stables of the Colosseum ,may grant him with a crazy mouvement speed . Cost is medium to high when upgraded at max level

Romulus also perceive an extra gold when the associated item is triggered .

Part IIIThe Senate.

The Senate has the highest cost of all constructions .

When funded , The senate help Romulus in winning war by giving him more soldiers for his 2nd ability and his ultimate

Primary Abilities

The Eagle attacks
Type: Damage . Shape: Line / cone shaped area

Effect : Romulus charges forward before swinging his gladius two times before him , dealing damage

Combo : If Romulus charges right after Testudo , then the distance he is charging to is doubled but he does not benefit from movement speed after the charge
Type : Buff ( Protection) / Debuff ( speed ) . Shape : Rectangle

Effect : Romulus call for his soldiers and altogether they perform the legendary shield wall formation . While doing so , Romulus is almost invulnerable to physical attacks but at the cost of having his mouvement speed reduced .

After Effect : When the Testudo ends , Romulus gains a 1.3 seconds speed buff as his speed penalty is reverted back

Upgrade/Reinforcement: Testudo varies in size upon funding in gold the Senate . In its last stage , it covers an area such large than allies may now benefit from its protection
Type : Damage / dmg over time Shape : Curve / Circle

Effect : Romulus commands his troops to throw a greek fire projectile unto the ground with a catapult .

Greek fire spreads upon landing , putting enemies on fire , thus dealing damage over time

Upgrade /Reinforcement : mandated by the Senate , Romulus can throw up to 3 greek fire projectiles in total

Ultimate Abilities

Type : Buff / Damage Shape : Parallel lines / Columns

Effect: numerous minions soldiers surges behind Romulus and rush to meet their enemies in combat .

Side Effects :

Galvanized , Romulus gains extreme movement speed

Killing a roman soldier does not give ticket and gold

Reinforcement : Up to 5 cohorts at the same time .

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